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ronnietoon | 16:01 Tue 08th May 2012 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
what does an endoscopy involve?is it painful?has anyone on here had one?


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a sedative is given and you swallow a tube with a camera..take the sedative..!!! it is not very nice..
I had this done and asked for the sedative - I dont remember a single thing about it lol
I didn't have a sedative, I can't remember why, but it was awful and I had to stop them and get them to take it out. The docs were not best pleased.
Once you get past the sprayed anaesthetic hitting the back of your throat, it's all plain sailing.
Again, take the sedative - you will not feel a thing, and probably wont remember it. You will be fully relaxed.
My hubby is the biggest wimp when it comes to medical things, but he had just the throat spray and was fine.
Had it 5 times, nothing to worry about, relax.
....Bowels? it still endo from other orifices ?
Sqad..still not nice..pass the gin !!
Is it the same camera they use for both orifices? Cause I had a nasty taste in my mouth after my last one! ;0)
Endoscopy up the way is not bad at all...the worst bit by a long chalk is downing the disgusting laxative drink you have to take the day doesn't taste bad, there's just so much of it.

Endoscopy down the way is another kettle of fish. I opted for no sedation and I never ever would do that again. I couldn't say it was painful, but very uncomfortable. They blow air down, so you're continually burping huge burps. And gagging quite a lot. If I ever have to have it again,(hopefully not) I'm definitely going for the sedation.
I've had a gastroscopy twice (endoscopy of the stomach, etc) and found it rather ucomfortable when the tube was first going in but no problem after that. Provided you realise in advance that the air that they pump in will cause huge belches there is nothing to be afraid of.

I refused a sedative. I wanted to go home by bus afterwards rather than have to be collected. I also wanted a large gin when I got home. The restrictions the taking of a sedative place on you just aren't worth it, for what is a very minor discomfort.
I had a camera down followed by a camera up in the same session. I opted for a sedative and felt like a bit of a wimp but glad I did. As others have said, not really painful, more a bit uncomfortable.

Best to try and relax as much you can when the camera is down your throat and take nice relaxing breaths (relaxing your jaw helps relax you generally). I threw up a lot when I came out - if you don't have a good gag reflex them maybe get a bowl ready for after as I couldn't convince the nurse I needed one until I had thrown up all over myself a number of times.

The most uncomfortable but I can remember was him saying he was trying to get into somewhere which involved a bit of a turn or something but it was only brief. They took some biopsies and removed some polyps while in there.

I remember it all despite the sedative (though I don't react too much/fast to things like pethadine or sleeping tablets either). I was a bit gutted they took my glasses off me as I wanted to try and see the monitor out of curiosity for the camera up (not feasible for the camera down).

The prep was definitely the worst part. Definitely stay near a loo (and away frm pleasant company haha) after taking the prep.
I have had up and down.

For the down one I had the throat spray only. It was OK(apart from the taste). I expect it has to do with the skill of the driver and whether your tubes are conveniently sized.
Agree about the nuclear-powered laxative - that stuff is vicious.
Have sedation! It's rather unpleasant (IMHO) if you don't. Not painful - more uncomfortable and if you have one up, they pump your tummy full of air and you have wind for the rest of the day - well my OH did anyway!
ronnie, I had mine without sedation. It was easy and quickly over and I was able to walk out of the hospital straight away. Mind over matter and concentrate on the breathing. There was no pain, whatsoever. If you feel unable to do likewise just opt for the sedation, it will only mean a little recovery time afterwards. Good luck.
Five times carlton - you deserve a medal !

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