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Grey hair in children

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sherrardk | 19:02 Sun 10th Jun 2012 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Today I noticed my four year old son had a grey hair (he has had one before). He is very dark and this grey hair is virtually white and a bit frizzy. Is there anything to worry about (some sort of dietary deficiency) or is it just one of those things? Thanks.


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Your son might be lucky, Sherrardk.

One of my college friends was substantially grey at the age of 18. A year or so later he had completely silver hair, with almost every girl in the college seeking to date him because of his 'distinguished' look!
You are raising a badger!
LOL @ Hopkirk!
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Damn - himself said he had a badger's streak when he was about 17!
there's your answer then....genetics.
It's nothing to worry about at all, and certainly not a dietary deficiency

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Grey hair in children

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