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Kidney Pain

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Trillipse | 17:38 Sun 05th Jun 2005 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I have had really bad pain around my Kidney area for some time now.  I have had various tests, scans etc.  All found to be normal.  It is worse when I actually lay on it.  Has anyone else had similar pain?  If so, did you get a proper diagnosis and was the problem sorted out?


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Many years ago I suffered with a kidney stone for about two months before it denied me any further ignorance.

The feeling is like that of being kicked by a mule in the kidney and  gets worse unless treated. You must seek medical attention for this pain. Kidney stones, if that's what it is, can be treated fairly easily nowadays with ultrasound. In my day they needed flushing out with gallons of fluid each day.

A couple of years ago I also had a kidney stone, though I didn't know anything about it until I was in AGONY and had to go to hospital in an ambulance. Afterwards I had an infection which caused my kidney to ache and left me feeling very lethargic. i had anti biotics to clear that up.

Then last year the same kidney was aching and I just didn't feel 'right'. I went back to the Docs, but he said there was nothing there, so I went home and drank loads of water everyday until it went, it took about a week.

I'd try drinking loads of water (I think it's supposed to be about 8 pints a day) for a few days and if it doesn't clear up go back to the Docs.

It really is essential that this is cleared up as my sister-in-law also had a kidney stone which caused a blockage and by the time she was eventually diagnosed she was only hours from possible death with blood poisoning. Don't mean to frighten you, just warn you!

Hi there,

I recently had my kidney removed. As I had a lot of pain with hit, I had numerous tests done. About 6 different tests. And only one showed a problem, then when they looked into it further my kidney was only working 5%.

What tests have you had done? You have to be persistant. The doctors kept trying to fob me off with back problems, till I was finally refered to the hospital.

Also how is your blood pressure, if you have kidney problems usually affects your blodd pressure as well.

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