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emmie | 18:25 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
if anything. I haven't got rid of these horrible stomach pains, rumblings and cramps at every turn. Saw the doctor last week, and he has given me some antibiotics, but even he admitted they probably won't work. My face is often hot, and body just as bad, hearing still not right either and don't know what to do, or to just finish the course of antibiotics and hope it goes.


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What about trying some Andrews salts? It suppose to be for upset stomachs and belly pain as well as indigestion.
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i have had the bad stomach pains for at least three weeks, and have tried various remedies, i am hot and shivery at the moment.
Do you have an actual temperature (as in fever), I know you feel hot but it doesn't necessarily equate to having a fever. Does paracetamol help with the feeling hot?

Are you on any indigestion remedies like omeprazole/lansoprazole or over the counter stuff which could help with a number of things and help settle things down?

Buscopan could help with cramps.
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i honestly don't know if running a temperature, doc didn't say and i don't have a thermometer at any rate. My blood pressure is up a bit i do know that much. I am scared of taking too much or indeed any paracetamol in case in makes the belly pains worse...
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any advice please, been quite sick and not sure to ring doctor, i also have a appointment to see a counsellor, and no idea if should go.
I have read through these and like many others am v worried for you.
Sqad will kick my arris for saying so, but I suggets if this is still as you describe get to A&E.
I'm being a doom-monger and thinking along the lines of obstruction in bowel causing loss of appetite, fever etc.
What's the worst they can do - at least they can take bloods etc and rule out a few other things.
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you may be right, i have been eating but confess it's a struggle, if it's norovirus no one will thank me for turning up at doctor or hospital as it's highly contagious. However the belly pains have been vile and this is the first bout of sickness
No mistaking - both ends like a fountain and you'd be too weak to type, lasts 24 hours max.
It sounds anxiety related to me. The first thing I would do is go out and buy a thermometer so you can see if you really do have a temperature.
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ringing the surgery for last ten minutes and the number is busy,
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anxiety didn't make me vomit, as i have never once done that through it.
I agree with Mosaic.........if you can't get a doctor to put his hand on your belly, then go to A&E.
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i still can't get through to surgery, it's still engaged..
Em - you poor thing, I had something very much like what you are describing 8 years ago just after my husband had a heart attack (survived thank goodness) Looking back I think my whole body must have gone into shock, the pains were griping in the same places as yours, I felt nauseous every day, I was shivering too and had an awful pain in my back but mainly near my hip bone which restricted me walking. I had every test under the sun, they wondered if it was my kidneys but found nothing amiss there, the pain in my back was getting unbearable so they sent me to an NHS Osteopath based at our local surgery. I had never been to one before and he was so rough with me, seemed as if he was punching or standing on my back. This inevitably made the pain worse and I ended up barely able to walk for 3 months - I honestly thought my time had come! It was suggested to me that he had made things worse by bruising the psoas muscle. My GP was very kind and after much deliberation decided to try me on Mebeverine (Colofac) to calm the tummy and back spasms down as he thought it could be a severe case of IBS but not with the "normal" symptoms. After a few more weeks these tablets gradually worked wonders, and I'm glad to say I haven't had this as bad since, but Em it does sound as if it could be IBS. I didn't have diarrhoea all the time as is one of the symptoms I just had the debillatating pain which completely wiped me out, really scared me to death, and left me exhausted. Please ask your GP if you can try Colofac, one before meals calms everything down - believe me!
I trust you will feel better very soon, you really have my sympathy ...... xx
PS I was sick too, they said it was due to all the anxiety the pains were causing me - I was so scared.
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got app at doctor.
I think Ann may be on to something with severe IBS. Mebeverine 20mins before each meal to and paracetemol for pain releif could work in time but I am no expert, perhaps sqad or GP will suggest further tests. It could well be stress related, my IBS was. I had about 6 episodes of it last year, the symptoms went with the mebeverine after a week or two but ultimately, for me, only when my stress levels returned to normal did the IBS totally go away. At the same time as the IBS I was experiencing body aches and pains and tiredness, think it was all linked to the stress I was under.
Totally agree it could be stress/anxiety JD.
jd.......I agree stress related IBS is certainly in the frame in my opinion BUT,some doc just needs to put a hand on her stomach.
Glad you have an appointment Em - please keep us informed. x

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