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emmie | 18:25 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
if anything. I haven't got rid of these horrible stomach pains, rumblings and cramps at every turn. Saw the doctor last week, and he has given me some antibiotics, but even he admitted they probably won't work. My face is often hot, and body just as bad, hearing still not right either and don't know what to do, or to just finish the course of antibiotics and hope it goes.


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short update
doctor seems to think that it could be dyspepsia, but neither he nor i honestly know, off later to have bloods taken to look for other causes, he also thought the antibiotic might have caused the vomiting, this is yuck.
just popped in to wish you well Em xxx
hope you are better sooooooon...xxxxxxx
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thank you, i wish i knew what was going on, then one can plan things, get on with life.. x
by the way if you haven't looked out your windows yet, and of course could be different where you are, there is the most amazing sky, here it's patches of deep red, and a purple blue, quite extraordinary.
still dark and black here..Edinburgh...
It's frustrating Em xx
I hope the blood result will give an answer.

Our sky was like that yesterday, but it turned out to be a right yucky day.
Just read through all the posts em, hope they get it sorted for you.
Amazing sky here too (Devon) x
Thanks for the update Em - Dyspepsia is indigestion isn't it? Surely he/she probably means excess acid, or acid reflux ? if so they will give you acid reducing tablets (if you are not already on them) I take Lanzoprazole and they are just brilliant. Wonder if you have a sliding hiatus hernia like me? All connected to the acid problem. If so you will keep getting little flare ups. I do, especially aound Christmas every year, too many big meals, oranges, nuts and chocolate all set it off. Hope you feel better soon x

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