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Broken Toe?

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gness | 20:00 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Body & Soul
67 Answers
I have fallen over a picture and the edge of the frame has sliced through the joint at the top of the middle toe. It will stop bleeding...I can bleed for Ireland so that is usual but...the top joint, where the nail is, is wobbling and pointing upwards. I believe hospitals don't bother with breaks like this so if, when it stops bleeding , I tape it straight and tightly will that do, do you think....anyone? :-(


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This is no "big deal" and would probably settle quite well with Ibuprofen and ice. But fervor has developed over this popular ABer, so I feel that the baying mob will call for A&E treatment.
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Oh no, I wasn't climbing up the wall this time, Dicky. I use ropes when I do that. I moved a sofa downstairs and am moving my workroom much stuff. The pictures were on the floor and I don't wear shoes........foolishly.
I do wonder about you sometimes Sqad.
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Sqad, my love....if you say no big deal that's enough for me....where would my legs be without you.

Must be the painkillers....I then thought......where would my legs be with you.......Behave're hurt!
Baying mob sqad, lol.
Sounds like most of us want you to go to A&E. You don't need complications later or to have it rebroken.
Mo.Jo are not alone........many would agree.
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Mo and Daisy...I know...I know...but complications usually arise after I visit A&E.....not squeamish...just have a good sense of self preservation.
I wonder about Sqad too mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I would have thought if you had broken it you would still be in agony, so maybe it is a dislocation- why not call the nurse and see if she can give it a look and take it from there - she should be able to snap it back if it isn't broken.....
Please can we have an update?
Man alive, gness!

Do A&E not keep a cubical available for you at all times?

Let us know how you're getting on. x
I did something similar, (it was my little toe) about 4 years ago. I straighten it and taped it to the next toe and hobbled about for a couple weeks. I took some painkillers for a couple of days. pleased to say it has healed OK. Good luck with it gness xx
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Have left a message for nurse around the corner. Toe is lots of dark colours but I have cleaned it, taped it with micropore and iced it. At least it's not looking up at me feeling sorry for itself any more.
Thank you all.....should have gone to A&E I know but can't face it. When I went for my mammo a wasp stung me and a fence fell on me. And I stood in someone's puddle of pee in the lift.
Gness, poor love , while I have every sympathy with your pain...I simply can't help laughing at the pickles you get into. I did wonder if a chandelier might have been involved in this latest escapade. Please let us know how you get on with the poorly digit xxx
Size 2 feet! How long are your toes?
tiny! and no protection to a falling frame evidently.....
Poor Gness, it sounds awful. Suggestion - Could you possibly post a pic on here so Sqad can assess it? I know what you mean about A&E - its usually hell on earth!
I went to A&E last summer and they xrayed my toe because they thought I may have broken a bone in my foot too, the x ray showed up a previous untreated break from a few years ago and the bone in the toe had grown to half it's size due to calcification whilst healing (i think that's what the nurse called it, he also said i may suffer later in life because of it) in later life i won't feel anything in that oe because it was severed in the 2006 accident and so i have no feeling in it anyway.
go to A & E , they probably won't x ray it but will give you good advice

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