Naprosyn Tablets. in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Naprosyn Tablets.

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Tilly2 | 14:44 Sun 03rd Feb 2013 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
I went to the doctor's on Friday to ask for some more diclofenac for my chronic neck and shoulder pain but she said they'd fallen out of favour and so gave me a prescription for Naprosyn.

They have done wonders for the pain, little magic pills they are, but they really hurt my stomach.
Is there anything I can eat which will take away the dull ache in my stomach?

I took one this morning, having had muesli for breakfast. Is there something that will 'line' my stomach and help to protect it?
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Naprosyn are nsads if I remember correctly that is no steriod anti inflamatory (bit like ibruprofen but stronger) they can irritate your stomache so best you call the surgery and let them know.
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Thanks nanny. I have been taking ibuprofen but they have not helped at all. I know the Naprosyn are irritating my stomach. So they've helped with one problem but caused another. The stomach pain is less debilitating than the neck and shoulder pain though.
If I persevere a bit, will it lessen, do you think?
Tilly , all of this type of pain relief can damage your stomache lining you should be able to get a gastro resist version from your GP and that should help sort out the problem. Me ,I wouldn't suffer in silence I'd go back and get something that didnt make you feel rough. I would probably keep taking them till I saw my GP but thats me, only you can decide if thats right for you. I wouldnt leave it too long though . Good luck.
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Thanks daffy and nanny. I'll contact the surgery tomorrow.
Tilly, try drinking some milk. An Indian lady who I worked with told me that if curry upsets your tummy, drink milk. It may help because apparently it lines the stomach. Hope it helps you until you can get to the doc.
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Thanks, pat. I'll give it a try.
Only 48hours.......this may well be a temporary side effect.....take then with food or as patroberts suggests , milk.

Give them a chance.
I have been taking these for the past year or so .. taking 2 or 3 a day (250mg).
They certainly work for me. However about 6 weeks ago I had a bit of a bad time, and my GP upped the dose to 2 a day (500mg). He did say that the higher dose may cause an upset stomach or even give me an ulcer. So to counteract this I was also prescribed Omeprazole.
My doctor has prescribed Lansoprazole to take alongside my painkillers. They are Gastro resist and have helped. Ibuprufen will irritate your stomach even more and you shouldn't be taking them with other nsads.
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Thanks everyone. I will ask about the stomach protecting drugs. Neither milk nor yoghurt have helped. I'll take another tablet tonight. I hope to be able to sleep through the discomfort.
There are two types of Naprosyn tablets on the market. One type are standard tablets; with the other having a enteric coating. The enteric coated tablets are more favourable to people who cannot tolerate taking the standard tablets.
It might be worth checking to see which type of Naprosyn tablet you are taking.
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I now have some Lansoprazole to take along side the Naprosyn.
The one's I have do not have the enteric coating and have been causing me a lot of grief. Hopefully, things will improve tomorrow. Thank you all for your help.

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