Holes In Plant Leaves in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Holes In Plant Leaves

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Mags22 | 15:50 Tue 13th Aug 2013 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Quite a lot of my plant leaves in tubs have bite holes in - small ones - and all I can see is the odd ant crawling about - would they nibble leaves? I've used the 'bug gun' odd times, but its a bit breezy for using it regularly - should I persist with it? Thank you for any help or information.
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Could be a lot of things, often referred to as elf-shot, but I'd guess at flea beetle. Try spraying on a warm still evening, when the bees have gone to bed. If you can manage to spray the the under sides of the leaves this may also help.
20:27 Tue 13th Aug 2013
I don't know about ants but I know there's sawfly about that create holes and brown on the leaves, I have it attacking a laurel bush and my rose leaves. You can spray for it but not sure it helps unless you keep at it.
Personally I'd blame this on those small slugs that creep up at night.
Could be a lot of things, often referred to as elf-shot, but I'd guess at flea beetle.
Try spraying on a warm still evening, when the bees have gone to bed.
If you can manage to spray the the under sides of the leaves this may also help.
I sprayed my rose bushes with very soapy water which seems to be working so far. Maybe they just don't like the taste?

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