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E Dinham

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E Dinham
Could anyone tell me what sort of soil, and position this shub likes. Also any information on how I should look after it, thanks.
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E Dinham
how do i transfer files from my old hard drive to a new one
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E Dinham
My daughter has a verruca on the top of her little toe which has been there years, and is now starting to spread, we have been going to the doctors who freezes it and have applied various things such...
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E Dinham
For years I have suffered with greasy skin but it is only in the area around the nose, any suggestions either through diet or something to put on it, I tried clearasil but that does not seem to work.
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E Dinham
I pruned a lovely hebe bush as it was getting to big. After that it turned black at the base, almost as if it had been burnt, looked a bit like tar. The new shoots died and finally the whole plant...
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E Dinham
What is eating my hosta - it is not slugs or snails but has bite marks on the leaves and holes. I cannot see anything but have tried re-potting and spraying with a mild insecticide but each morning a...

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