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Heel Spur

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tezmand | 12:55 Tue 14th Jan 2014 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
anyone else got this ? been suffering with plantar facislitis and had xray now been told i have a heep spur so now have to have a scan to see how bad and what will be the next step , id never heard of it til now


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I suffered from heel spurs when I was a teenager, the advice I got was to massage the area.

No idea if it really worked but they did dissolve in time.

The other advice I was given was to wear a shoe with a bit of a heel to take the pressure off. I must have looked mighty strange teetering around a farm in stilettoes!
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lol heels on a farm very funny although they do wellies with heels now
Chances are that it will settle on conservative treatment, exercises, shoe support and or an injection of hydrocortisone.

If this fails after a few months, say 9 months, then it will be chiselled off.
I had a stubborn one years ago, injections had no effect, so ended up having an op to shave it off, had no problem since.That was 30 odd years ago, so have no idea if they still do the same.
Yes I had one in my left foot. It was so painful. I had injections in it but they lasted 4 weeks and the pain was back, then I was diagnosed with severe achilles tendonitis. I had some insoles made for my shoes to help cushion the sole of my foot and I tried several other things then somebody suggested a magnetic bracelet. I had nothing to lose so I bought one and to my great relief and suprise the pain subsided and I have never had any pain since. That was about 18 years ago. However I suffered with the pain for about 4 years before this happened. Good luck hope you get sorted out.
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cheers squad hope it works before injcetions i really cannot see me sitting there having needles in foot i cant stand anyone near my feet let alone needles

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