Has anyone any experience of taking this drug ?
The pain management clinic have recommended that I take a low dose for severe arthritic/rheumatoid pain .
However my GP is reluctant to prescribe it .The side effects that he explained to me were quite scary and he said I'd have to have an ECG and blood tests first anyway. He didn't exactly refuse to prescribe it but said he wouldn't be doing his job properly if he didn't point out the side effects .
I've read some reviews on line and a lot of them say it's awful stuff.
Shall I throw caution to the wind and take it or KBO ,gritting my teeth :)
shaney , I have taken 10mg Amitriptyline for sever arthritis (mine is Pa not RA) it REALLY helps ,I took mine about 6pm each day and it helped me to get a decent night's sleep ,which is a blessing. Never heard of blood tests and ecg for amitriptyline could they be for other rheumatic drugs you are on ? ie Methatrexate ,solazapirine etc ?that do require monthly blood checks?
shaney , I have just read all the earlier thread , why are you just being treated with amitrip ? You seem to have been on pain killers only thereare better drugs out there ,do you see rheumatologist ?
The only painkillers I take atm are ibruprofen which doesn't really do much ,just takes the edge of it a bit . My current GP wouldn't refer me to rheumatology although I have seen one in the past when I lived in a different area to where I live now .
It was only by seeing a different GP at my surgery that I managed to get a referral to pain management . My blood tests always come back negative for the rheumatoid factor lately so I suppose it is gradually burning itself out although I often get flare ups .It's the OA in my hips and lower back that is sooo bldy painful . I can cope with it in my other joints but it's now affecting my mobility .It was the nurse at the pain clinic who suggested I take amitriptyline .
shaney - RA markers are with you ALWAYS ,its genetic !
Your crp (amount of inflamation in your blood) may fluctuate -this is relative to your pain , maybe you don't have RA but some other form there are over 200 types!
Insist on seeing a rheumatologist you don't have to live in pain. Believe me , it can take ages to get on the right meds but they are out there ,
Thanks nanny
The occupational health lady asked if I had seen a rheumatologist and I told her my sorry tale and she was surprised that I hadn't been referred .
Now that I've managed to get myself into the system at the hospital perhaps I'll get more help .I'm not a fuss maker generally and don't camp out in the doctors surgery ..lol, but am getting to the end of my tether now. I just feel as if my GP is not interested .
shaney , its not making a fuss , your gp sees you what once a month but you live with pain EVERYDAY ,I costs him nothing to refer you , can you see a different gp at your surgery they might be more helpful. Please don't just waitand hope to be seen by the rhumie ,go back and just insist. As you don't usually make a fuss they should take you seriously.
Good luck - from a fellow sufferer x
My husband has been taking Amitriptyline for 15 years as part of a pain management programme. He takes 50mg at night. If I remember he felt a bit strange when he first started taking it but it soon passed. Recently he stopped taking it, on dr's advice, because there was a problem with getting the 50mg tablets. His pain levels increased. On seeing another dr he was given 2x25mg at night and is ok now.
I've taken 50 mg at night for relief from Arthritic pain for 20 years, apart from dry mouth I have no problems.
It is addictive, but whats worse constant pain of popping a couple of pills.
My DIL also prescribed 50 mg for facial neuralgia prescribed by a private clinic. In both cases the dose started lower and went up til there was decent pain relief.