In the night last night I woke at 4am sneezing & immediately felt pain in my back. The pain, especially this afternoon has been horrendous. It is mainly in the lower left area & is causing pain in my left leg. I have used the high strength Voltorol rub & taken some strong pain relief. It is especially bad when I get up from a sitting position.
This afternoon I have had to make several urgent visits to the loo to empty my bladder & the last time I did not make it to the toilet in time!
Is this quite a common problem with back pain or should I seek professional help? thank you.
This is a big deal. From your description, which is extremely helpful, your back pain has been due to a prolapsed disc in your lumbar spine. The onset of "water problems" indicates that the disc has prolapsed to a degree that it is pressing upon the nerves of the bladder (cauda equina) and needs attention. Not tonight maybe, but certainly in the morning you...
I wasnt expecting - "and then I had a bowl of cornflakes, and the twelve-out-of-ten pain - awful it was, worse than having a baby - went away and I felt much better"