I am sorry that you are feeling like this and that you are finding it difficult to enjoy life again as you used to. It is good that you have made such a good recovery from the stroke but it certainly seems to be marred by the tiredness and lethargy you describe. I know little about the physical processes of recovering from a stroke, but I do know that a stroke and its aftermath can trigger clinical depression, which can contribute to the tiredness and lack of energy you describe, and also would make your feeling of being "a liability" much worse. I would think the tiredness is probably a physical consequence of what happened in your body, but I would urge you to make sure that the psychological consequences of what happened do not make your physical symptoms worse. I hope you will be able to talk to your GP about your feelings because they can be very insidious, and will spoil your enjoyment of life. I hope you can find some solution to this problem, and that you are able to enjoy your holiday in Southern Ireland with your family.