lump at base of finger in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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lump at base of finger

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pimlico | 18:37 Thu 06th Oct 2005 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
I have a small lump at the base of my index finger. It's not painful. I'm 53 and female. Any ideas what it could be?
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Sounds like a ganglian cyst, they are harmless but medics will remove them if they become a nuisance
Certainly sounds like a Ganglia, they generally go by themselves after a time. An old time remedy, was to thump it one with a Bible.
as i am an athiest would it still work if i used the complete works of william shakespeare
hit it with the Book of Mormon if you like - sometimes a sudden sharp blow with a heavy object can break them up
I honestly had a huge one for ages on the back of my hand.I knew it was a ganglion and harmless but it was unsightly but the old wives tales do work but only temporarily.Believe it or not it just dissappeared and never came back.Its not sinister.

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lump at base of finger

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