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Turp Op.

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Khandro | 10:05 Wed 10th May 2017 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Has any man had it? were the immediate after-effects very unpleasant? and most of all, are you now glad you had it?


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No - fortunately not - but here's the wiki page to explain the procedure to others :
No I havent......but have been involved in plenty.
Mainly used for benign enlargement of the prostate.
There may be bleeding (in fact there is always bleeding ) after the operation, but this is not a problem in the vast majority of cases.
Retrograde ejaculation is "quirky" ejaculating into your bladder and most patients experience this, but the pleasure of ejaculation is still there.
For urinary obstruction due to prostate trouble, you have little option.
See dave's link or get back to AB if you have further questions.
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Thanks Dave and Sqad, I have read the Guys and St Thomas' online fact sheet which is very comprehensive in a Q & A format, but reading the straight facts sound a bit eye-watering !!
Sqad; My condition is not serious but my urologist says the tablets I take (called Duodart, here) are the best there are, they keeps things in check, but of course it will never improve, he says while I'm still in good physical shape - I'm 78 but quite fit - it would be as well to have it done now rather than later, I'm booked in to have it done early July after returning from a holiday in the UK. What I am interested to learn is, were your patients afterwards on the whole glad they had undergone the procedure?

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