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Bladder Things

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Scarlett | 22:57 Wed 27th Jun 2018 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
I tend to get bladder infections a fair bit- maybe twice a year. The last one I leapt on quick as it gets worse so quickly, and took some antibiotics the GP had given me for this purpose. I took them for 5 days then stopped even though the box had 7 days worth. Since stopping, my pee is clear of infection but I have a sensation of fullness, even though I have just been; no burning, just a weird and different feeling in my bladder. (The antibiotics were a different sort to usual). Also I've had to wee frequently through the night- every 2 hours or so. At one point I woke up and I had already started to go!! There was no sugar in my sample. I'm going to have an ultrasound soon but I wondered if anyone else had experienced similar? (I'm 48)


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I have no advice, just sympathy. I bad case of cystitis is absolute hell.

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