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How Stressed Is Your Life Right Now?

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Eleena | 15:32 Tue 31st Jul 2018 | Body & Soul
72 Answers
Do you have stress in your life?


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I'm good,just got back from London, a few small niggles but nothing I can't handle. I am a bit sad and that's normal , stressed not really
lol, do I ever! You advise someone to do something in a certain way by a certain time and they dont do it and it ALL goes wrong. So then they bend your ear (always urgently) for you to advise them how to put right the thing that has gone wrong which wouldnt had they just done what they should have done in the first place. Apparently I have a "thinly disguised exasperated voice"!
I am sure that you are aware of this, Eleena....some stress is welcome - in my time, I've seen two colleagues go well beyond the break point and needed remedial care.....
You ask...I am stressed to the max and being and old ffffarttt with multiple chronic health problems it's not good for me. However I do think life is planned but not by que sera sera and by all the odds I should have been long gone. This is why I am at a loss when I read of young people dying without a cot syndrome is it? That's why I really accept life is meant as it's meant and sometimes just sometimes when I feel I cannot cope anymore I want to pass over...but I'm still in he drudgery of this till my 'book' is done. I'm not this maudling or a depressive...just answering the question.
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Stress has made me straight with people in my workplace, emotional, makes me want to shut off somewhat.
although I'm retired Eleena - when I was working I was riddled with stress every single day as I was a manager - the worse was being in charge of 22 women. OMG - horrendous.

One day going into work there was a funny taste in my mouth - before I went into the pool (typing) I went to the b'room and there right enough the blood was pouring out of my gums and raining down my teeth. If I had to live my life over again I never ever would have been a manager.
I understand that, jennyjoan. My dad has worked hard physically all his life, but it was when he became a manager that things really got to him mentally.
Is there anyone you can talk to about it Eleena, or write it down even, I find if I write things down it releases them somewhat and makes them tangible things I can get around to dealing with.
are you a manager Eleena - if so I understand wholeheartedly.
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My daughter split from her partner in January and has come home with my beautiful granddaughter, Partner being a total ***.. and we will have to now start with a solicitor. Mum died in February, miss her lots. I have to have a biopsy on my tongue ( I know, but I can't stand the thought of it) .. and my brother has a low blood count and will need to have that investigated to rule out anything sinister.
oh you do have stress Eleena but hopefully things will work out over time.
I don't know what to say, Eleena. Hopefully things will be ok eventually. Tough things to go through.
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Please god Jenny, because there's joy and light missing at the moment.
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May be stress makes you think the worse of a situation, makes you negative. It grinds you down.
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Thank you x
Im pretty convinced stress led to my husbands acute myeloid leukaemia . oh I know doctors say its just an unlucky thing (blood cancer is not lifestyle related - its a mutation of stemcells) but TOTALLY think it is no coincidence that it reared its ugly head after my husband had a prolonged stressful time. I think (???) he was predisposed and the stress weakened his immunity
I know thats not a medical fact but ....
scribbling down your thoughts each evening even if just bullet points can help clear your mind...thoughts/actions/timing, that sort of thing....perhaps in four parts given your concern areas, Eleena.
in other words, what it does, is to give you some time to reflect and order your thinking.....
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Will think about that date, got to go.
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eve, that wouldn't surprise me at all as contributing x Got to go.

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