MY friend has frequent nosebleeds that last up to 45 mins. During these nosebleeds she is losing large blood clots. Last week she had 8 in one day. Can anyone give me any ideas as to why this is happening?
It may be that the veins in her nose are abnormally thin, and prone to rupture. She should really see her GP for a referal to the ENT Department, and get this checked out, and possibly cured by a simple surgical proceedure.
My son got them really frequently when he was about 10 or so.He often ended up in the Local Community hospital to have his nose packed.One in particular lasted 3 hours.My GP was of course aware of the problem but decided to monitor it.He eventually cauterised the weak vein and he has never had a nose bleed since - he is now 20.
I used to have pretty much the same problem. I used to get heavy noebleeds everyday that would last up to 4 hours. In the end I was refered to the hospital and had my nose cauterized. It could be high blood pressure, amongst other things. Best thing to do is let the doctor know, especially if blood is going down her throat, that used to happen to me and it not nice!
thankyou everyone very good answers. She took herself off to the doctors, who referred her to the ent dept. Her blood pressure is fine, but thanks all for your answers.