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Colonoscopy Under Sedation

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Bazile | 16:55 Wed 20th Nov 2019 | Body & Soul
46 Answers
Has anyone had the above ?

Do you know what to expect - how aware are you when you have the sedative ?


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I didn't feel a thing - and the chicken sandwich after fasting went down a treat!

The worst part for me was drinking the 'clear-out' jollop the day before.

Hope all goes well.
Hardly at all, I remember being asked to turn over a couple of times, from one side to the other, but felt nothing.
I think the fasting is probably the worst part. My mate didn't feel much of the procedure itself. Wanted me to pick him up as not supposed to drive the same day.
The thought of it is worse than the proceedure.
It's not too bad, a little uncomfortable but no pain.
And with the sedation you just don't seem to care about any embarrassment of having several people looking at your bare backside.
The day fasting before is hard but that first cup of tea and piece of toast after is amazing.
Ive had several as constant yearly follow ups after colon cancer. My last one (Feb 2019) was done by Miss whiplash. She was unduly aggressive in that area. The previous 5 were a bean breeze. I have the all clear so no more. I would opt for a sedative. It’s only a cannular and makes life more pleasant. Can’t drive home though.
Mrs Arrods also had the procedure a couple of years ago, fearing the worst after worrying signs. She came out skipping for joy after being told it was piles!
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So , the sedation just calms you down , but you are still aware of your surroundings ?
I had sedation for a lung biopsy and felt nothing. I was advised by that a colonoscopy was painless and i didn't need sedation. The worse advice ever! Have sedation!
Yes - it's probably as much to relax your muscles as it is to calm you mentally.
My first was aborted after about 30 secs. The camera found the problem alright and couldn’t go any further. A ruddy great cancerous tumour.
Fully appreciate that everyone is different but I didn’t have the sedative and I found the process ok. As has been said, the clearing out is the worst bit.
I've had this done in the past and if i remember rightly you could only have certain bland white food and drinks and you also have to take a strong laxative to clear you out before the procedure. All the information came with the laxative solution, in the post. Certain conditions can make it more painful especially if you are a woman who has had a hysterectomy and you have a lot of scar tissue but obviously this doesn't apply if you are a man.
Retro. Not very helpful!
Something I should have mentioned. They may not give you the full sedative but you can always wave your arm about and tell them you want some more although there is actually a limit of how much they can give you. Afterwards you will be taken to a recovery room and some will be fast asleep and some will be wide awake so you can take it from knowing that, that different people have different experiences with it.
I've had that and to be honest, for me it was brilliant. I was awake, it just kept me calm and relaxed, so much so that I even watched it on the screen. I found the preparation the day before was worse ( no food and lots of fluid ). But everyone is different.
It really hurt me, so they stopped halfway through and i hsdvto come back for a catscan. I had diverticula disease, which is very, very common in oldies
I had a colonoscopy about 3 weeks ago.
No sedation was needed.
Everything was explained beforehand and the staff were professional, ensuring there was no embarrassment.
I watched it all on a TV own plumbing in glorious technicolour! :o)
The most painful part was the blood-pressure cuff on my bicep it really pinched when it was inflated.
I had one done, watched the monitor as they did it, as Arrods said, the liquid to clear you out is gross, i manage get them to put a tiny drop of orange squash to take the taste away.
the op its self is nothing to worry about.
I haven't, but went in with many patients as a nurse. There must have been something in the sedative that made people forget, because just about everyone, as they were wheeled out, said "when am I going in?".
I don't know if that is standard everywhere.
//Retro. Not very helpful! //

Really? I found the first colonoscopy extremely helpful. In fact I would say it probably saved my life. It discovered my cancer of the sigmoid colon quite early and after 5 years I have the all clear. Unlike the pooh on a lollipop stick which failed me three times with false negatives.
I am not a medical practitioner but if someone asks advice on the procedure I will try to assist them. When it is an adult asking for the advice I will not talk down to them or sugar coat the discomfort it can give.I have certainly proved the benefit of having the procedure done haven't I ?
If I had never experienced this procedure six times and my wife was not an endoscopy nurse for the final 10 years of her 40 year career I would not have offered my experience. I can talk with some authority on the effects however can't I ?
In any case. Any good hospital trust will provide a very comprehensive leaflet about the procedure with the effects and advice when you get the Picolax package .

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