ubasses....i don't want ANYBODY to have a heart attack and i fail to see the point of me giving advice which may be life threatening.
I have answered the question,,.... "how can my fit underweight husband gain weight" and i have given what I feel is a relevant answer.
Do you really think that increasing someone's weight at a later stage in life is going to, in your words" give him a heart attack"?
To me,the connection between diet and cardiovascular events is still contentious and for one,I am yet to be convinced.
No,I haven't looked at Mamyas "excellent " link, but by now,it is unlikely to tell me anything that I didnt know and of course I don't have to agree with it's contents.
The OP was quite clear and I answered to the best of my professional ability on a personal basis and without the generalisation of a link or website.
However your opinion is noted.