Business & Finance0 min ago
Covid Vaccination.
21 Answers
I have been given an appointment for a Covid vaccination. I was given only the date and time. Is there anything I should do or not do prior to the appointment. My wife says that she has heard that we should not have any alcohol before the vaccination. Thanks folks.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.There's absolutely nothing on the NHS website to suggest that any type of preparation is needed before the vaccination
https:/ /www.nh ndition s/coron avirus- covid-1 9/coron avirus- vaccina tion/wh at-happ ens-at- your-ap pointme nt/
and nothing within the leaflet that relates to the situation after vaccination either
https:/ /www.go vernmen t/publi cations /covid- 19-vacc ination -what-t o-expec t-after -vaccin ation/w hat-to- expect- after-y our-cov id-19-v accinat ion
However other (hopefully reliable) sources suggest that, for the vaccine to be most effective, it's best to refrain from alcohol for a few days prior to vaccination and for up to two weeks afterwards. e.g. here: https:/ /www.dr inkawar /profes sionals /press/ drinkaw are-iss ues-adv ice-on- alcohol -and-th e-covid -19-vac cine
and nothing within the leaflet that relates to the situation after vaccination either
However other (hopefully reliable) sources suggest that, for the vaccine to be most effective, it's best to refrain from alcohol for a few days prior to vaccination and for up to two weeks afterwards. e.g. here: https:/
Percy glad You’ve got a date. What “group” are you in a pls? By this I mean that the priority list has been broken up into tiers. So for eg folk over 80 in care home and frontline workers are group 1, etc
My husb is group 4 ... keen to know which group they currently doing.... I’m guessing it’s still group 1 or 2
My husb is group 4 ... keen to know which group they currently doing.... I’m guessing it’s still group 1 or 2
eve, it was said on the briefing today that everybody in groups 1 to 4 will have been offered a vaccine by feb 15th. here's the leaflet https:/ /assets .publis rvice.g overnme nt/uplo ads/sys tem/upl oads/at tachmen t_data/ file/94 8678/PH E_11920 _Covid- 19_why_ do_I_ha ve_to_w ait_lea flet_v2 .pdf