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Kate Garraway's Husband.

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Sqad | 13:06 Tue 26th Jan 2021 | Body & Soul
87 Answers
Is it time to turn off the ventilator?
Had he not been the husband of a TV presenter would life support have been terminated?


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Sqad - // A-H that is one ofthe problems of a lifelong attachment to our profession. //

What is?
Cynicism, I would imagine.
I’m sure I read somewhere he was off the ventilator, he’d spoken, just one word “pain’. Kate might have mentioned it on GMB
May be that its being prolonged longer than it normally would be because as we all know new drugs, or even older ones are being experimented with for covid. So it would be awful if they suddenly found a drug that proves to be the one, the day after switching off the support. That's the best I can come up with, apart from that his life is just as important as many others.
I don't think they're keeping him alive simply because he's married to a celebrity. They must think there's hope.
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//////What a seriously negative, skewed and cynical attitude you have towards your former colleagues/////

SOME colleagues.
If that were the criteria, teacake, no ventilators would ever be switched off.
I'm really uncomfortable with this question and I hope that the patient's wife and family don't see it.
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Zacs....exactly....appropriate cynicism.
naomi - // I don't think they're keeping him alive simply because he's married to a celebrity. They must think there's hope. //

I don't think any doctor - past or present - would dream that they were!!

With one apparent exception who appears to think that deeply unpleasant cynicism is an automatic and unavoidable result of a lifetime spent in a caring profession.

Personally, I think cynicism is inbuilt, and may be exacerbated by outside influences, but in now way is it caused by them.

If it was, we would have no-one in caring professions at all - but happily, the reality is that most caring people care from start to finish, and understand and assimilate the hard aspects of their careers, and the effects it can have on them - but they keep it under control, which anyone can do if they wish to.

Some apparently simply don't wish to.
Sqad - // A-H

//////What a seriously negative, skewed and cynical attitude you have towards your former colleagues/////

SOME colleagues. //

I am only interacting with you, and your viewpoint which you have stated.
Sqad - // Zacs....exactly....appropriate cynicism. //

And The Oxymoron Of The Decade Award goes to ....
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Rosie29 I understand your discomfort, but I am sure that at certain moments in the last 10months that question has crossed Kate's mind.
Why Zac? Some have died on the ventilators even with all the help, not because they've switched them off. He has not died, and the ventilator is still keeping him alive
SqaD - // Rosie29 I understand your discomfort, but I am sure that at certain moments in the last 10months that question has crossed Kate's mind. //

And I am sure that it hasn't.

Kate Garraway's innnermost thought - "Hmmm, I wonder if my husband is being kept alive because I'm famous ...?"

Question Author may well be right, it may never had crossed her mind....................if the circumstances were reversed, it would certainly have crossed mine.
I wonder if there are many patients with similar treatment as mr drapers but w Ed are not aware of them ?
** we are .
Sqad - // may well be right, it may never had crossed her mind....................if the circumstances were reversed, it would certainly have crossed mine. //

That's because you are a cynic - one of the biggest I have ever encountered - and that is an observation rather than a criticism, we all are what we are.
Question Author thank

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