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Kate Garraway's Husband.

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Sqad | 13:06 Tue 26th Jan 2021 | Body & Soul
87 Answers
Is it time to turn off the ventilator?
Had he not been the husband of a TV presenter would life support have been terminated?


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Has there ever been a time when a certain category has been started in AB, and then moved to chatter bank. :0)))))
I've always maintained cynicism stems from experience.
Ken - We all react to our experiences in individual ways - the cynic simply allows that aspect of their personality to indulge itself.
AH . Maybe time to give sqad a rest now. You have made your point over and over again .
Anne, in common with every other AB'er on here, I have known Sqad since he started posting, and I know that his likely reaction to my ripping him is to laugh and take a sip.

There are some people on here who genuinely suffer from a hard time, and maybe need defending from time to time -

Trust me when I say, Sqad is absolutely not one of them!!!

I ,in this instance disagree with you AH .
All I can say is, that if it were me lying in that bed still comatose after 9 month, I would want the plug pulled.
I haven't read of all the posts - but the guy is dying and even if he rallys round - won't he be a vegetable - bless him.
Kate announced to media/tv that her husband may never wake up from the coma hes currently in, She would have been told that,they may be preparing her for worse news sooner rather than later by all accounts, it cant be easy for her (or anybody in that scenario) given latest lockdown restrictions, currently shes unable to be by his bedside, its a situation I would hate to be in, Its a debatable subject given the pressure of beds etc. She has my sympathy.
Anne at 22.25 - feel free, I suggest you look back at Sqad's history -he is no-one's shrinking violet !!

If he is upset, he will let me know, trust me, but I've yet to see that from him, ever.
According to statement from Kate on 31 October last year he was no longer on a ventilator and had also been decannulated (tracheostomy tube removed) so unless he's had a major relapse then the question of removal of that form of life support does not apply.
^That's that sorted.
(you should have been quicker off the mark, sqad. ;-))
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Well that ends the object of the thread.
Thank you for the update.
This thread had the potential for a good debate ..
You could make a similar scenario up, a better one. If you can't, see one of those people who has an anecdotal tale to suit every thread.
anne - // This thread had the potential for a good debate .. //

Any and all threads have the potential for a good debate - they go how they go, and that depends on the content from participants - and that means all participants, not just one or two individuals.
Yes, I bet Doctors usually favour the young over the old, quite rightly imo, when they have to make a choice.
How important would the older person have to be to buck that trend?
31st of October isn't an update.
Surely you have read a recent article before you posted this thread, sqad?
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No roy, I hadn't read an updated article and in my defense, I said that I was not familiar with the medical records
but was relying on media information.
It would appear that I was at fault on both counts which made my comments erroneous.
Yesterday was not one of squad's best days , but it was yesterday and today is quite another day.
I hope today is a much better day Sqad x

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