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Kate Garraway's Husband.

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Sqad | 13:06 Tue 26th Jan 2021 | Body & Soul
87 Answers
Is it time to turn off the ventilator?
Had he not been the husband of a TV presenter would life support have been terminated?


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You put your head above the parapet with that question Squad.
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A-H.....take a look at this.
Sqad, has anything like that ever happened in your own personal experience or do you know if it having happened? Your question got me thinking of, say, a member of the royal family in that situation. Would doctors be more reluctant to switch off their life support than that of an unknown patient?
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Ludwig......I don't mind.
Question Author switching off a machine has never been a part of my patient management, but deciding whether someone lives or dies, has been on many occasions.
The question being does who you are make a difference to 5he management of a case and AB has given a resounding NO.
So, end of debate.
lol you didn't strike me as an "end of" person sqad
Cup of tea sqad from the Mrs S. you have had enough of a *** for one day :-)
In another world he may have been the spouse of a certain Irish TV presenter which would, of course, have no bearing on views from the assembled.
douglas - // In another world he may have been the spouse of a certain Irish TV presenter which would, of course, have no bearing on views from the assembled. //

What are you suggesting???

Thanks for answering sqad. I’m well aware of course that doctors do make life or death decisions. I also suspect that the identity and status of the patient may at times influence their decision - in the case of a member of the royal family for example. That said I’m not sure kate’s husband would fulfil the criteria. I somehow doubt it.
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naomi....I think that I would agree with you.
All the best people do, sqad. ;o)
Docs do make life or death decisions - why else are some patients put on morphine drips; as was my mother, FILaw, MIlaw & husband
tambo - //
Docs do make life or death decisions //

They do - but hopefully not based on the fame quotient of their significant other - as Sqad suggested!!
naomi - // I also suspect that the identity and status of the patient may at times influence their decision - in the case of a member of the royal family for example. That said I’m not sure kate’s husband would fulfil the criteria. I somehow doubt it. //

Sqad - // naomi....I think that I would agree with you. //

You missed out the bit where you say that your OP was utter nonsense, and you can't imagne what possessed you to post such tosh and you now feel a bit silly ...
AH depends if private health or NHS using resources
The daughter of a friend of mine fell on the stairs eight years ago and has been in a coma ever since.
Don't know what keeps her alive, but it would be kinder to all and give them closure if she was allowed to slip away.
Rachael, I once worked with her.
So sad.b
Question Author

////You missed out the bit where you say that your OP was utter nonsense, and you can't imagne what possessed you to post such tosh and you now feel a bit silly/////

No not at all and not a hint of " feeling a bit sorry" and was interested in the replies.
Sqad - // A-H

////You missed out the bit where you say that your OP was utter nonsense, and you can't imagne what possessed you to post such tosh and you now feel a bit silly/////

No not at all and not a hint of " feeling a bit sorry" and was interested in the replies. //

I assume your text corrected from 'silly' to 'sorry' - but of course, I didn't expect you to feel either - I know you are made of sterner stuff!!

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