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being ill

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Swizz | 17:12 Sun 19th Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
im feeling really it best to try and keep up and about, hoping it will just go away? or give and just accept a day or twos bed rest, before i collapse!


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swizz, do you have a really nice place to go to in your head? where you can just switch off?
Listen to your body Swizz - give in - if you're still not right in a couple of days - call the doc out. Take Care
Try taking some Echinacea, from Holland and Barrett, (if you can get there) once a day for a week, and some Vitamin C. If you are feeling rough with the flu, or a cold, or just not feeling right, give this a try. Only use the Echinacea for a week though. Good luck.
Good advice from Judie- at the first sign of a cold I take the stated dose on the pot of Echinacea and it nearly always nips it in the bud. Vitamin C at quite a high dose is a good idea too. (if you take too much the worst that can happen is that it gives you the runs.) But take more than your average daily dose, but only as a one-off. If you still feel ill, have a few days off. Stay in bed with Lemsip and mags, and make sure someone will come over and check you are okay, and make you soup. I say this because I never have anyone to look after me and you feel so vulnerable and wretched when you are ill!!

2 reasons to go to bed when you are ill with a virus. The firsdt is because your body needs extra rest (and excellent nutrution) when fighting a virus and the other is to limit the potential for you to pass it around!!

No offence, and this is not aimed at you swizz, but I get a little ticked off when heroes (and heroines) struggle in to work, cough and wheeze over everyone else, then we all get it.

If you have vomiting and the runs and can't put it down to a non infectious cause then definitely don't go to work and pass it around

Rest - this is the natural thing to do when feeling very under the weather. I totally agree with Woofgang.

People push themselves too hard these days - even the ads show flu remedies where you can work through it!! Sports people keep on going despite illness - and several young fit people have died for this reason. It didn't used to happen.

Just watch what animals do when they are out of sorts - they sleep.

Good advice from everyone but don't you think that the reason most people carry on working when they should be tucked up in bed is because of the way absence from work is frowned on these days. I know I think twice before going sick. Not right I know but its the way things are!

You are so right valsuey. It is treated as some sort of crime if you are ill for a couple of days and a lot of firms have set up systems to interview absentees on their return, which adds to the guilt. It also adds to people having more absences in the long run because they don't get better properly before returning. Obviously, their work suffers too.

We are not people these days - just numbers!

I was quite ill last week and I normally get up and potter about - I just couldnt this time and crucially -that is your body crying out for a rest.I spent 2 days flat out and then gradually got up earlier and earlier and now I am almost back to normal (well physically!)

Take a break and listen to your body and dont fight it.Get well soonx

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