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Do opposites attract?

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robbo82 | 21:23 Mon 24th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Well, do they? Most of my ex-girlfriends have had similar personalities and interests to me. Maybe that's why none of them have worked out...


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I don't think there is a rule really. There are lots of things to consider I guess.

Sounds a bit vague so I suppose I don't know.

Not sure why I answered really. sorry :-)

Well I think opposites attract - you then bring out the best in each other.My guy and me as so different in loads of ways.When I met him he was (still is) very well spoken posh accent,incredibly clever,quite introverted.Im just a nutter!! Now he lets his hair down,goes on mad nites out with me,but still goes back to his serious job etc in day.We work well together.

me and the currant Mrs rugeleyboy are so far on the other end of the scale!!

she is from a loving family who kiss each other and have family things!!, she wont be disrespectful to anyone, but also looks for the bad in people more than the good!!

me, broken family,dont give a sh*te about much,will sit on my hairy a*se if i can....................

but we love each other very much, i need her in ways i cant think of and she needs me for no reason what so ever!!!

I think they do. Astrologically, someone who is opposite you is 6 months apart. They should in theory be someone you get on with well. For example, I am a Capricorn, and I just can't get enough of Cancerians. I gravitate towards them! Most of my friends and boyfriends have been cancerians, without me even knowing sometimes! I am attracted to them because they are everything I am not- cosy, sweet, emotional, sympathetic etc. This is what i need! I need someone who will be sweet, and look after me, and worry about me, because I don't do this myself. I am too busy working hard. Sense of humour etc too.

See if it works for you. Work out who your opposite sun sign is, and see if your pals are like that.

its all about chemistry i suppose there is nothing as annoying as going out with a guy who goes on about football all the time for example, but if you have different interests then it helps keep things fresh, relationships either work or they dont soul mates and all that

I think if two people bring different things to a relationship, then they can compliment each other well, and together form a good team. I've been out with one guy in the past who was quite like me and to be honest, it drove me mad!!! Some common interests are good (eg for me, must love footie lol Carla ;o)) but the differences are what can cause that vital spark.

Rug....I really liked your answer about mrs Rug (I need her in ways I can't think of)....that's really lovely. You big sweeetheart. x

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