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SizzleSquid | 00:29 Sat 06th May 2006 | Body & Soul
23 Answers

why is my boyfriend such a meanie to me? he always moans at me for no reason and im not allowed to use my moble in his flat. i always miss millions of calls because of this, and he threatens to throw me out if i do. He alszo dosen't cuddle me when i first walk in and complains if i wear a skirt. he even went as far as to say he is having serious dobts about me as he hates the summery clothes i wear. ( he isn't religious)

what shuld i do with him! Oh, and im only allowed to see him once a week!



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ditch him,women like yaself deserve respect

I think you know the answer to this one already............



you are naughty
Is he a spy for a middle eastern nation/ I only say this cos that would be a valid reason for him not letting u use your mobile in his plat, the signal for his covert secret hidden radio i his secret partitioned fake wall may be affected. his would also explain the skirt thing, tho to be sure you weren't a plant, aka a counter spy, he would defo cuddle u when u came in to subtly check for listening devices, so i guess he may be just a ****, ok, ditch him and get a real bloke.
i think he is showing signs of aggressiveness and control. don't wait until it's too late. listen to boo & chris.

Get rid
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ta dot!!!!
He doesn't deserve you, what a w4nk3r .
please please listen...this guy is vetting all those saddos do with women and children..very dangerous...please promise to get rid..plleeeeeze
Control freak. Get shot ASAP, do not pass go, do not collect 'My boyfriend abused me' baggage. And tell him he's got a small willy as you slam the door.

You dont need him, you would be better off on your own. as my gran used to say when my love life went wrong --- " there will be another bus along in a minute".

Find someone who respects you and lets you do what you want to do.

dump him

the question shouldn't be why is my boyfriend mean to me it should be why is this fool my boyfriend!

get rid - control freak blokes are the worse, and the worrying thing is they only ever get more controlling as time goes by (oh and you'll never change him).

enjoy being single again, sure you'll have a great summer! - love undercovers

I've spoken with your boyfriend and he doesn't want you asking any more questions on this site or else you'll only be allowed monthly visits from behind a persplex screen
Oh dear SizzleSquid...LOUD alarm bells ringing here. Ditch him asap he's a control freak Honey people can only treat you as badly as you allow them to. Don't take this the wrong way but by letting him treat you this way you are giving him a license to do it all the more. As others have already said, he has no respect for you, so don't allow him to do this to you any longer. If he makes you unhappy or uncomfortable then he is the wrong person for you. I'm sure you'll find someone who is happy to be with you just the way you are. Good luck sweetie.

Frankly, if you were in my flat and continually took mobile telephone calls from other people, I'd bit a bit annoyed too. I regard it as bad manners and if's a bit of an intrusion on his personal space. So I'm with him on that point.

However, he does sound rather cold fish unless the summer clothes you wear are downright indecent and expose too much of you in an unelegant way.Some fellows do find skimpy wear rather tarty and get embarrassed by it.

All in all it sounds like a case of sheer incompatability, and I'd be tempted to move on before he dumps you, which seems to be in his mind anyway. At least that way you can walk away with your self-esteem intact.

Give him what my dear old Dad used to the Spanish Archer...
The El Bow.
Ditch the pompous twit prompto!!

From what you've said, it sounds like he wants to have complete control over what you're doing, and is paranoid that someone will come and try to take you from him.

He doesn't want you accepting calls when in his flat: He's making sure noone can contact you, potentially asking you out somewhere where you could meet other men.

You are forbidden to wear a skirt: He doesn't want other guys to look at you, or parts of your body.

He doesn't cuddle you when you walk in: He's weird, or detached from you in some sense. Maybe he doesn't like being touched, or isn't affectionate.

He doesn't like your summer clothes so is threatening to end the relationship: A complete control freak, trying to get you to change yourself to fit in with his lifestyle and preferences.

He says you're only alowed to see him once a week: I bet he states where, when and why too. Unless he's busy the six other nights a week, there's no reason you shouldn't see him as often as you wish.

He's the one in control here.

If he's so controlling, he's not worth it. Noone should have to change themselves to fit in with another person.

Cut off any emotional attachment, and leave him.

Sorry to sound so harsh, but it's really not worth it, when you could be with someone who wants to be with you all the time, and you can feel completely at ease with

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Thanks for all the advice guys-really appreciate it xxxxxxxxxx

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