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different dads??

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minnimoo | 20:52 Thu 18th May 2006 | Body & Soul
18 Answers

I have two children both from long term relationships, yes they have different dads for whom they see every weekend. I have been on / off with someone for a while and he cant get his head round the fact that these days it happens, he makes me feel real cheap. Am i for having two children from 2 ex partners, 1 for whom i married?



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my wife has got a kid from a previous and 2 kids from me!

if anyone called her cheep she would cut thier b*lls off!!

this is the modern age and he sounds like a dinasour!!

He's obviously not right for you then- sorry!

If this is how he makes you feel, its deffinately not right.

On another note, is this on/off thing fair on the children? Child number one has already had 2 father figures, it's got to be confusing for them seeing a 3rd come and go.

is he worth it minnimoo?
No you are not, and please don't let him tell you that, and if he really loved you he wouldn't want to tell you that!! I don't know the circumstances of your life and I would never judge you, but I can't help wondering if there is a pattern to the type of men you choose?? Be strong and don't let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. Love and light - Amara xx
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they have never met him i only see him when i dont have the children, but hes making me feel real bad. I
which one is the postman
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tell him to f*ck off!!

sorry to give it you straight but if he is treating you like this now, how is he gonna treat you after the honeymoon period?

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Thanks, glad to know im not the only one out there.

Lose the loser. My sister in law is in a similar situation ...... don't waste your time with this overbearing fool! It is not likely to get any better is it? Could you ask him why he continues to see you at all in that case?

just one thing: is he trying to make you feel cheap? or does he just say things unintentionally that leave you feeling bad? If the former, I don't see much hope; if the latter, he might change as he gets to know you better. I don't think you sound cheap, but do you think so?
pretty much what rugeleyboy said, likewise my wife had a son from a previous relationship when I met her and now she has childern with me. If we ever split up (God forbid) then she will have kids by two seperate Dads but cheap she is not, and niether are you, or any other person for this sole reason alone.Be proud of the fact that they are your kids and that you are raising them and tell him to sling his hook. No-one has the right to judge another person's actions or lifestyle and make them feel bad. Find someone whose worthy of you and will make you feel the way you should.

Totally agree with all the other posters.....Dump the loser.

My wife also had a child before we got together,and now has children with if god forbid our relationship broke down,then she would be in the same posistion,and here is no way she is cheap in anyway because of the fact she has children with different fathers.

If he can't get his head around it,then tell him to get the hell out of your life

I have 4 children ~ 2 with my ex and 2 with my husband now. I am far from cheap..I just married the wrong bloke first time round!

A friend of mine has 4 from 3 dads..she didn't marry any of them, but they were long term relationships. IN any case, it really isn't anyones business IMO.

If he makes you feel cheap then dump him ~ you are worth far more than that & the last thing you need is for someone to lower your self esteem.

Unfortunatey minnimoo there are still people that will look down their noses at you because you've have children by different fathers. I have two sons from my first relationship and a daughter from my second relationship. Im not with either of the fathers now and I do sometimes feel like I have to justify myself. There are men out there who have children with different mothers but why is it always the women who are made to feel like some sort of failure or like you say, cheap, just because the relationship didnt work out.
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Thanks maggie mae............... glad im not the only one, i deserve better and so do my sons!!! He's history!! Thanks everyone, glad there are some positive replys, i aill never feel cheap like he says for having children by differentdads x

get rid of him,dont let him make you feel like that your worth more it will get worse and you will resent partner a MALE as also got 3 kids with too different people but it does not mean he as been sleeping around.dont worry he as the problem not you.keep your hgead up and dont let him make you feel like that you have done nothing wrong. bye for now.

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