hiya Pink, well for what it's worth I'm in agreement with you that an internet cafe is never going to roll in big bucks especially for the effort it'll entail, but some rural coffee houses that have internet access as Champagne said do really well. We used to live near Ledbury which is a quiet little rural town and one opened there which was brilliant, but they were a really nice cafe, with internet but also a meeting place where they let people free of charge run their clubs, like book clubs, local theatrical people etc and it's really thriving, but as you say if it's just a bog standard internet cafe I can't see it generating a lot either long or short term.Just try and gently have a talk to him, he's maybe just got a bit fixed about the idea. It's not easy being a man either, you sort of give yourself an expectation to be a brilliant, succeed at all costs, businessman because you sort of feel it's expected of you and it's all too easy to just go the blinkered route of deciding what's happening for everyone else without always realising the effect it'll have.Hope you get it sorted with him.