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redcrx | 14:09 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
173 Answers
have just found a lovely pic of Tina Karol D%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C the Ukraines 2006 eurovision entry.

Anyone think shes as pretty as the russian
personally i do think they look very similar lol

happy Monday everyone, hope you having a wonderful day xx


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i think its excuse will be that this tina karol didnt have any pictures of herself and saw the ruskie's pic on myspace and felt since she(the ruskie) is sooooooooooooo beautiful(puke!) she (tina)would have to use that one. if not that, then something else just as insane!! and where is her bodyguard whiffey?? he'll have plenty to say about it i'm sure!!
Ha Ha Ha nice one sis. And I thought her name was svetlana. He He.
Personally I think I am prettier.I am NATURAL blonde and have big blue eyes and yes I am female.I spoke to fee-is-me today actually.Very nice lady.
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i have no reason to believe fee-is-me isnt nice.

so, come on, weve got a sweepstake here. I want to know who got the reasons right.
sexy whats fee got to do with this? Surely it would be nice for all the friends you've made on myspace to actually know what you look like. Why give them a picture of someone else?
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4getmenots right. By the look of your myspace friends they all gave photos of themselves.
why 4getmenot it's because she is sooooooooooooo beautiful she wouldn't want to make them jealous!!! xXx
LOLO LOL LOL.I am just explaining that I now have proof that I am female.That is all.Now please tell me who would put their real picture on myspace?I am not that desperate.I mean my Dad would see it!LOL.I think this is really funny I am giggily like anything now.I chose that picture because I look more like her than any other celebrity.She is not beautiful but pretty.Which is how I see myself.I personally am prettier in my opinion but then I am very arrogant and full of myself.
If you think you are prettier why hide behind another picture ? Ha Ha Ha
shouldnt you be in a lecture? i would love to do your medicine get so much time off to spend posting cr4p on a website. not like other medical students ..sounds like a holiday!!
Well done redcrx. It was a pure and beautiful moment when I opened up that link.
Because I don't want people to see my real picture.I have friends and family who are on myspace.Give me credit I did not choose a beauty queen!
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Is that the dad who wants to kill your dog and thinks you have a boyfriend who fathered your twins? oh yeah, someone please invite him on to dicuss the english NHS again.
what proof you are female, and why you bringing that up? And who would put their picture on myspace probably the same stupid/thick person that would give their mobile number out on here. :-)
Did someone mention my name...?

Oh joy.
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youd have been better putting the dog on there lol

Its all a fake. You cant even understand the czech message someone left on there for you.

hahahahahaha exposed again.
hey fee!! hows u?
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Hi fee,
apparently you can bail the russian out.
please tell
Oi, what do you mean "who put's their real picture on MySpace Ruskie"? I bloody did! Nowt wrong with it!
Well fee did speak to me today and strangely enough I did not have an English accent. I just think it is funny you went to all that trouble to find that pic when I had already said in another post on the tennis forum it was not me.I thought everyone knew that!

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