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redcrx | 14:09 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
173 Answers
have just found a lovely pic of Tina Karol D%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C the Ukraines 2006 eurovision entry.

Anyone think shes as pretty as the russian
personally i do think they look very similar lol

happy Monday everyone, hope you having a wonderful day xx


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So really doesnt prove a thing. the twins, the pic, the dad, lesbian. I cant wait to see pics of the twins :-)
the account has vanished on myspace!!!! i wonder why??
I am Russian alright! Of ten (and this is the honest truth) the Russian that people ask me to translate is of such a poor quality that any original meaning is lost completely and it does not make sense.
nemesis9, what about Vince Vaughn then, he's quite tasty. lol
Do you really think (honest truth) is gonna make people beleive it is. Its just one lie after another with you. and how did you work out twins are due on 7th January?
No just routine maintenance.I just wanted to see if I could get more friends then my girlfriend but I kept getting loads of pervy men wanting to talk to me.I did not have time or interest to talk to them so have never replied.LOL.
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i just noticed that Kaz.
Hasty retreat by the russians.

Fee, I can understand why you wanted to speak to someone that you were accused of being.
I have been to the Doctor a few weeks ago.Only the once just to see whem they are due.I have been told they are due on the 5th January but my Mum was very late with all of us so am guessing I will be late to.
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why didnt you want to have a competition with your girlfriend to see how many pervs you got? You have bets to see how many texts you get when giving out your own mobile number so why is that any different?
Out of interest did the tennis forum get your number too? i know the able2know board did.
lol... w-o-w... bless you ;0)

'Loud'... apparently i came through loud and clear on the phone and sounded like they do on EastEnders (well at least she didn't say i sounded like Jade Bloody Goody i suppose)... i don't making shouting a habit i can assure you all.

4getmenot is right. Me speaking to a YOUNG (so sorry SR... but as a 36 year old woman, early 20s is the same as 19!) foreign sounding female doesn't 'prove' anything else, alas.

But you didn't sound like a bitch... so that's something.

Thanks red... just waiting for the day i get to speak to Cobra... lol ;0)
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5th jan is due date then? how many weeks and days does that make you?
and does your mum often have twins late??
I am a pretend bitch.In real life I am the sweetest thing ever.Very shy and quiet and kind to everyone.You sounded just like Jade Goody but I didn't like to say.LOL.
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a pretend bitch eh? thats a new one on me.
My Mum has had two sets of twins both were late.I have two twin Brothers and two twin sisters.
Lol... ya cheeky little foreign minx...

Quick... someone phone me to reassure everyone i DO NOT sound like Ms Goody!!!!!!!!!!!
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Im sure you dont fee, its trying to provoke you because you didnt say anything other than its a young female.
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thats a big family liar. how many bows and how many girls have there been.
Funny that your post of 17th May says 'I am thinking of artificially inseminating myself to make a cuddle squidgy baby' So even if you did it that day doesnt that make it due around 17th February. I mean I've never had children but I always thought it takes 9 months.
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