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redcrx | 14:09 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
173 Answers
have just found a lovely pic of Tina Karol D%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C the Ukraines 2006 eurovision entry.

Anyone think shes as pretty as the russian
personally i do think they look very similar lol

happy Monday everyone, hope you having a wonderful day xx


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You did? I wouldn't becuase I do not want people to know I go on myspace.
Question Author
thats the whole point of having a site with photos on it isnt it BOO?
perhaps you and millions of other people have been wrong all this time. Obviously the russian must be right.
Finally i get it. The reason for the internet is to lie as much as you can whenever you can.
but surely that would mean that pretty people would post an ugly photo and ugly people........ah i get it now.
except all of AB, cerescape and any other website you are linked with
'who would put their real picture on myspace?' Are you telling me that no one does? Damn it all!!
I'd better go in and change mine before anyone I know comes upon it (not in that way you pervs!).
Can any ABers out there recommend a handsome and sexy, famous (but not too well known) male, who's picture I can rip off and hide behind? Ta ever so.
And poor whiffey my you�ve let him/her down, he/she was so pleased to post that link to tell us all what you looked like.
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ah, because you said on a tennis forum that its not you we were to know that too eh? yep, you really are a bright one arent you.
Please send link from the tennis board, i thought they were still trying to prove your lies when i last looked.
SR(or liar as i will address you from now on) you really do talk the biggest load of sh1te dont you?? please do us all a favour and go get some help...its long overdue.
So you admit it on a tennis forum but then say on here you dont lie and say it is you. And even get whiffey to post a pic of you. Oh the holes getting deeper russian. :-)
silence again!!!! it must have run off
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I see you as a Brad Pitt.
No-one will notice that its not really you
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run off to tell them on the tennis forum that its not a pic of him on myspace probably.

I said it waa me because she looks like ma.Of all the celebrities she looks most like me.I could have chosen an exceptionally pretty girl but I chose an average looking one which I think was nice of me .To be honest I think it is quite funny.
Sorry - can't post a long one in one go.........

Lol... hey w-o-w and all...

Bail out, red...? Not sure i can do that...!

When she posted her mobile number some time ago i made a note of it. It was a couple of days after i had been 'accused' of being SR and Zeus... lol... (yes, really!) well... i found that a wee bit much for my little Essex girl brain to cope with, so i thought i would text and ATTEMPT to find out exactly HOW genuine SR really was.

We have been texting for a while although she did not know it was me until we spoke today........ cont...
All i WILL say is that the person i spoke to was young-sounding (would guess early 20s), female and foreign.

Now, i am NOT saying that the person i spoke to WAS Russian (or whatever) but the accent sounded like that to me although it could have been put on of course.

I'm not even saying that the person i spoke to was definitely the SR on here, but she sure sounded like it.

Believe me... i was a little shocked.

Ok... so how do i get out of this without looking as if *i* am SR...?!!!!!! :-o
I see myself as Brad Pitt too!!!
Trouble is, all the girls I meet are 'Team Aniston', and want to chop off my .........

And, yes, i AM a very nice lady... lol...
thats the one thing she hasnt lied about fee!!
ThankYou fee-is-me.I am only 19 (early twenties I am insulted).Yes I am female young and foreign.My accent is Russian surprisingly enough and I seemed quite pleasant I hope not a nasty bitchy.You are very loud but seemed very nice.
Excellent what id like to ask is...if it sees this, can it please translate the script???? ive posted russian script twice before and it conveniently never replies!!! hehe

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