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Is It Safe In Here Tonight!!

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Redbel | 00:10 Sun 30th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
87 Answers
*looks from side to side*
Phew I think it is :)

Well after last nights shennanigans I was quite terrified to look!!! I've had to lie down all day to stop me thinking about what happened!!!... ;-) So is everyone friends now...I hope so my nerves won't take much more..


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Whiffey, when do you have the time to run your guest house in the concrete jungle?

You broke your leg about 3-4 weeks ago, yet 'entertained' us with stories of where you cycled to each day a couple of weeks back. When you were questioned about breaking your arm (the same as russian), you didn't deny it. When questioned about it being your legthat you had snapped, (obviously you had forgotten that lie), you did not answer - tell us something new!!

How come you have "sod" in your username - I thought swearing was a no no?

It is a curiosity that you can have naughties in your username but not in the body of the messages, so I imagine if I now call upon sod_the_m25 that he will be starred out.

I don't run my guest house personally, but I do keep one bike in the hall and another in the lounge and make appropriate adjustments to the guests' bills for the inconvenience.
whiffey did we ever find out who josh, dan, numan or ronniejmoda were? ive been away for awhile...didnt even know you were sod! Figured if anyone knows you do.
"2 outa 3 ain't bad", must be weakening...
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Whiffey, you may one day have a serious post to put on AB....I hope you find another username....mind you, you prob already have one set up.
whiffey - so do you' own' the guesthouse rather than 'run' it then, and why would you keep your bikes there - why would you not keep them where ever you stay??

again you are tripping yourself up with the inconsistencies - you should see your GP about your memory loss, maybe you can get some medication or have a chat with someone as you could even be schitzophrenic!!

Nenee - please do not think that AB is always like this - the majority of the users only have one name or if hey have changed it for some reason they exclusively use the new one and not alternate between them!! Also, most people are nice, normal and pretty much sane!

A xXx
Actually red, it's rather creepy when you think about it...

How many times have we bantered with someone, or asked/answered a serious Q and received something "nice" in return from some split personality?
Me, I'm just pretty p_d lol :~)
I know, who on earth needs more than one username!
Question Author tell you the truth, I'd love to reply to the serious questions.....but I don't anymore, coz usually the first reply is something nasty and it just puts me off responding. No need.
bigchill, I thought it was well worked out who all those characters were. I thought one of them was you (still do!)
p_d, no inconsistencies at all, I live in my own guest house. One of the guests will be visiting tomorrow and will leave with my car, a few bottles of wine, and probably a �20 note.

ahem., I am dot.hawkes, I was dothawkes, then I was djhawkes, then I was missdotty, then i was dotjhawkes, then i was DotH, bet none of u spotted me though eh. I am happy being me, oh, or mrspswayze, but thet got toasted,
oooo dot, did you see his interview in the daily mail today? he is lush!!!
what about when u were mrs jacksparrow?
lmao dot i think you've ahd more names than i have!
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wonderwoman did you see the state of David Hasslehoff in the Daily Mirror.. Never been a fan of the Hoff....but he looks nasty.
who were the whiffey? was it a regular or someone new? and who did you think i was? i was accused of being you once upon a time lol
redbel, i did see it....all i can say is....oh dear!! gone a bit downhill methinks!!
i was never mrsjacksparrow , unfortuanately!!!!!!!!!!!! I am working on that tho lol, chilly, that is farfetched lol

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