and feeling tierd all the time, i have only just began to feel like this over the past few days, getting plenty of sleep but still feel really tierd during the day, and just keep wanting to eat any clues guys?
There are loads of reasons why you are tired but maybe you should check it out with your GP - ask him/her for a blood test so that you get the real reason - it could be anything from an underactive thyroid to a B12 deficiency to whatever (overweight, diabetes, alcohol, etc etc).
I am being admitted to hospital for exactly that reason tomorrow for one night. We think its sleep apnoea, as I snore loud enough to keep the neighbours awake and stop breathing during the night and wake up with a gasp for air, however I'm not aware of any of this taking place. so going to hospital for one night to be tested.
Good luck Ratter - my sympathies there too. I know you cannot help with snoring (despite what other folk think and stupidly believe - you don't do it deliberately, I understand that). You wil find that the hospital cannot really replicate the home environment (how on earth can a single bed with a waterproof mattress be considered the same as your own double bed with your partner ???) All the best and I hope they find out what is causing your tiredness. xxx
Makinamess, thats exactly what we been saying, one night covered in electronic measuring instruments? its a joke!! but there you go, thats our NHS for you, its taken12 months to get this appointment.