Now this question is gonna make me sound so strange but most people on here know I am anyway. But lastnight I had a dream that I was eating a human body. Really hideous and I could taste it and everything. But as I was ripping the meat off the ribcage (sorry if you're having breakfast) it was like chicken. So my question really is what colour meat would it be if you cooked a human? For safety purposes and for the sake of anyone around you please don't try this at home. Thank you
Yer pink I was going round saying well now I've eaten human too, because I've tried kangaroo snake etc. It was like I was pleased I'd eaten this bloke. And its not as if we were starving we were at some festival and some blokes went and cooked these 2 dead bodies they'd found in a tent!! Tell you what though I'm starving this morning :-)
I just looked in my dream dictionary and it says � Cannibalism - Depriving part of the self in order to strengthen another part, destroying parts of the self through insensitivity, hidden hungers, ignorance. Living off energies of others instead of generating your own creative energy source. Or maybe I�m just a freak. :-)