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Q&A a new catagory?

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carrust | 20:33 Sat 19th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
110 Answers
Following dot hawkes tragic industrial accident ,the poor woman will be filling AB with Q's & A's. To save space & time does anyone else think that she should be given a catagory to herself, & what it should be called?


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Boo's reached that point once again :-(

Totally bl00dy flummoxed with what's going on :-(

Pie & Mash, as much as i'd love to take credit for finding that music site, I cant. Someone posted it on Music and i've just passed the URL on- still, it's good though eh? Makes me go all reminiscent for my nightclub/disco/alcoholic youth!
mrs dot not u NO, the other one that was laying into enigma for speaking her mind.
And if there's a gang on 'ere, i'm being innit!

go to bed you moron.

we are ALL allowed to speak our mind... and thank goodness for it.

OK boo but I still picked it up via u. Have tuned in to a couple of my favs, and will go on there again to look for more!

Go one f.i.m name names. AS i told boo there is only me, I don't do extras
not even mushy peas?
gotta hand it to ya dot yr quick!

with 3 broken toes, not hardly
pixie wanders back in, surveys the wreckage, scratches her head, nips back out again and returns with a broom and some cleaning wipes, sighs and begins cleaning up

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