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Q&A a new catagory?

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carrust | 20:33 Sat 19th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
110 Answers
Following dot hawkes tragic industrial accident ,the poor woman will be filling AB with Q's & A's. To save space & time does anyone else think that she should be given a catagory to herself, & what it should be called?


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Who are you Pie + Mash (like name by the way!)? I mean....what was your previous username?
Oh I see the *gang* word has reared it's ugly head again, why does this word keep being used, it's pixel land for god's sake.
enigma... grow up, love.


be happy.

I AM...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Get out more... lol... LOVE it... you SO don't know me... bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

i cannot believe this is still going on, i even saw the old 'get a life' quote back there, lol, anyone on a web site saying that has to like irony anyway.
Dot and all this because you gave your opinion.....
crikey, i do that dozens of times a day, how will it all end i wonder. I may be 50 but i want to see 51 please.
Stick with it dot... to AT LEAST 51!!

mrs dot again youve got it wrong. the bi one fis was drunk or pretending to be other evening and posted a stupid thread, unlike mnko's.

Havent done previous boo, just a vigilante looking out for *gang* warfare on the innocent.

Why if it is just pixel is it considered not real, or none of you real people then? Pouring out your heartache, asking who said what, how do you cook spaghetti? If it is not real then why the big issue about what people have said to offend someone else on here? Nothings real, thats what u are saying! So why get het up with another aber?
B00 like your music thread, have put on my list of favs!!!!!!!!
Just caught up .... and have something here for pie+mash.

hang on, it's in here somewhere ...

ah, here we go ..

oh p+m now i know who you are.

i thought you liked me...?

no need mate... NO NEED.

have NEVER pretended on here... prob should have had at times but i am afraid i am from the dot school of thought... spade being a spade and all that...

seriously out of order... OFF my christmas card list... big time.
Ratter ... don't do it mate ...

But if you do, can I have all your rune stuff ... lol
funnily enough i had a text earlier that said:


Weird, or what...?

Wanna play...?
do what fee?
Ah B00 this latest addition naz who has never divulged his gender. He/she is the one who u should ask of his previous username, or even his'her other name!!!!!!!!!

broken your finger naz, what with broken toes and broken fingers tut tut tut what is the world coming too?
I'm not a 'latest addition' and if you'd been here for more than 5 minutes you would realise that women can't get testicular cancer ... you fcuking prat
pie and mash clarify please, you didn't mean i was drunk then? and you weren't meaning i was in a gang right? ok/
Your the fcuking PR@T latest addition on this thread u pillock!!
it's 'you're' ... illiterate moron
dot - they were talking about me i am afraid (in the being drunk sense - cos i was). god knows about the gang thing. like there is a gang on here?!?!?!

i know who it is... they are stirring up trouble. don't rise to it!


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