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Q&A a new catagory?

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carrust | 20:33 Sat 19th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
110 Answers
Following dot hawkes tragic industrial accident ,the poor woman will be filling AB with Q's & A's. To save space & time does anyone else think that she should be given a catagory to herself, & what it should be called?


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It wasn't Dot that posted the 'eamiling the Ed to close the account' bit
I'm still huffin at carrust for being a cheeky git mind, i see em, hiding at the back thinkng i am distracted!
it was naz, i am a stickler for the site procedures you know.
Daftpixie - You missed my point. I couldn't care less what you and Dot post , you are entitled to post whatever you choose - in accordance with the Site Rules. My gripe was with the fact that Dot told mnko that this wasn't the place to discuss it and appeared to be dismissive of his feelings. He asked a genuine question and reached out for help. Surely B&S IS the place for it rather than Dot's 'I know this is in the wrong category but ..' question ? One rule for one and another for others ? hmm.
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enigma.I've lost acouple of friends to suicide,so I know that you went through.However,this site has a fair few cranks & wind-up merchants. How do you tell the genuine article?
Dot had me in stitches!! I think it was all a wind up, Mnko is fine and happy so maybe Dots tactics worked a treat!! I know where to come when i'm feeling like stopping a train by standing in front of it.

Keep up the good work Dot!!
I didnt miss your point, and in Dots opinion, and mine also, I dont think this is the site for someone who is potentially fragile and suicidal. And it would only be one rule for one and one for the other if mkos thread was reported and removed, and others were left. As it is, mnko still got plenty of the advice and help he was seeking.
I know what I wrote: I wrote:

then this ain't the place, get to a hospital you need help and stop making us all feel bad, this is the internet and not real, go somewhere that has a chance of helping you or sign out of here and talk to a real person. Won't help your life if you sit there typing this stuff.

and then i wrote:

Sat 19/08/06
11:17 right, come back when the hospital say you aren't a danger to yourself and others and let us know if there are any dishy doctors about! : )) Oh and if they keep you in remember to take plenty of change for those new coin slot tele things.


and when you put that up against some of the other contributions it was no different to those telling him the same thing but in a more round the houses way, like I said, a spades a spade.
I know what you mean Carrust and they don't just come out when there's a full moon either ! Sometimes you can tell straight off what is a wind up but then you get ones like the one by mnko where you just don't know and I don't mess about with people's emotions. I prefer to err on the side of caution and would rather be suckered into a joke (albeit , a sick one) than have it on my conscious that I tipped someone over the edge with an insensitive remark. I guess that different people have different ideas on what constitutes as humour. Mental health issues I do not find funny. The pain might end for someone eho commits suicide but it goes on forever for those left behind.
What is it with people making posts that deliberately attack another user?

It just lack of class and breeding

I'm leaving myself wide open here ... but does anybody else find it strange that someone who is depressed to the extent that they will commit suicide, manages to open and maintain an eBay shop ...

If you're that depressed you really wouldn't bother, would you?
-- answer removed --
lol Naz, the problem we have 'ere is that after a while on AB you do get a bit cynical when that kinda post crops up. Newer members, quite rightly, are shocked to read that kinda thing for the 1st time on 'ere but after ya 5th time of seeing something similar, ya tend to go....."nehhhhh"

Did that make sense?
absolutely ...'crying wolf'
It makes sense, BOO :o)
IAP no I am not in a coma I have 3 broken toes, and I have to stay off my feet and not go to work for an unspecified time, do you think i should ration my time on AB IAP? Maybe? i only have about 40 answers to go to reach my 6000th answer you know.

B00 you're a posh bird.
Too right imma posh bird!!!!

Heh ;-)
Great how this whole site turns into one big punch-up every weekend when there's no Ed ... lol
daftpixie rushes back in, red faced and wheezing, still carrying Dots crutches

Blimey Dot, for someone with a broken toe you can shift!!
You missed one Dot. You also said " I don't sympathise with people in potential suicide situations in real life and I won't be drawn into doing so on a computer screen" So why DID you allow yourself to be drawn in then ? Just as you have the right to post whatever you choose to , I have the right to express my utter disgust at reading it. I just hope that you do not actually encounter anyone who is potentially suicidal if that is your attitude. I remember a while ago reading lots of comments from disgusted AB users that another user had wished cancer on someone. Just as I found this offensive , I found your comments to be so too. As I said though , what passes for humour is not readily embraced by some others. I do not find depression or suicide remotely funny but each to their own. Glad the misery of another human being brings joy to some people. That's really warmed my heart.

Boo - I am not a new user (I've been around for a few years)and I couldn't tell whether or not that post was genuine but I wouldn't take a chance with someone's feelings just in case.

Daftpixie - When I said one rule for one and another for others , I was of course referring to the fact that it seems okay for some users to post constant chat whilst decrying other users for posting their questions. It also seems a bit bizarre to me to bleat on about what posts are in the wrong category and then post questions incorrectly. Everyone has the right to post whatever they want as long as it is in accordance with the Site Rules and no-one , not me , not you ,not even Dot has the right to tell anyone what to post so with all due respect , who are you to say that this isn't the place for those who are fragile ? I agree that is not the best place but if they can get some sort of help and perhaps be coaxed into seeking further help then surely that is better than nothing at all , or worse ,being told not to make a mess when they do it ?

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