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Q&A a new catagory?

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carrust | 20:33 Sat 19th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
110 Answers
Following dot hawkes tragic industrial accident ,the poor woman will be filling AB with Q's & A's. To save space & time does anyone else think that she should be given a catagory to herself, & what it should be called?


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This is not an ASDA own-brand, it's veering towards Tesco, the big one on the bypass by the council dump.
Answer, danm it man
Part 1:
1: Done what without mentioning Dot's name ? If you : are talking about the final part of my post , then I fail to see how you can construe that as being insulting ? I am merely stating my opinion. I do not consider telling someone not to make a mess when they kill themself to be tolerable and exercised my inherrant right to say so. Where is the problem in that or am I missing something ?

2: mnko DID go to the right place. That is the ethos of B&S as far as I am aware. To discuss affairs of the heart or personal worries. It was of course not the BEST place for him to go - seeking professional help is the most obvious answer but on his thread he said that he would have to pay to get help. In my mind this is the next best thing. To hear words of encouragement can make all the difference - even if just a small one and can give them the confidence to take the next step and talk to a professional. A common problem is pride and sometimes it is easier for people to interact with people in a situation like this rather than have to speak to someone face to face. Only the ed has the right to decide what is an appropriate question - not you. Oh and for the record , if you want to be absolute on what was posted in the wrong place , a question asking for help for a crossword entitled "I know this is in the wrong category but .......... " in B&S by Dot is why I was highlighting the fact that she told mnko that B&S isn't the place for his question whilst ignoring her own hypocrisy.

Part 2 :

3: I am well aware of the fact that your user name is fee-is-me. It was a simple typo which I am sure that everyone is guilty of now and then. I only noticed as I hit submit but your need to be so pedantic shows that you are obviously more incensed by this current thread or more importantly my comments , than me. I do not know you , or Dot or anyone else on this site for that matter and have no desire to cause offence or become embroiled in any mud-slinging with anyone but I make no apologies for holding strong feelings on subjects close to my heart and I will not bite my tongue when I feel the need to speak out - as does everyone - the point which you seem to have missed
Good heavens its whiffey, thought he had given up the ghost, and was never to darken this door again, sad life if he had to return here.

What damn man do u want to answer f.i.m? Hope u don't mean that lovely lady enigma? You might be unaware of your sexuality but she isnt.
Lol @ Pie+mash. Yes , I did wonder about that too. Definitely a female the last time I checked ! Yup , definitely female and I am 100% sure of that ! Guess anyone can make a mistake ? I know I did when typing the user name for fee-is-mee. Got carried away and added an extra e which fee was kind enough to correct me on.
Oops. I did it again. That wasn't intentional , I swear.
No, you don't know me. Or dot. So leave it.

And you did it twice. Pedantic? Yes. Live with it.

I don't claim to suggest WHAT people can post on AB... i am simply not that up myself... close, but not quite.

Wind your neck in... and chill.

HE was a to$$er for wanting attention. SOME of us DO have proper issues.

End of.

Sweet dreams.
3 times.
I've an idea...........

Lets abandon this potentially trouble brewing thread and all go and have a 80's party with this

Someone posted the link to it in Music (sorry forgot their name). The sites awesome! Go look see, I insist!!! :-)
Lol @ BOO... sticks at the ready....

Ya gotta check out that site Fee- talk about blast from the past, it's superb!
You truly are a sad individual if you lack compassion for others and resort to personal name calling to make your feelings known. Are you unable to articulate your thoughts on a matter without resorting to calling a fellow Ab user what you just said ? Pitiful. Actually , what's the expression , oh yes , more to be pitied than scorned. Oh and actually revelling in being so pedantic ? You should get out more Fee. Is this one of the more serious issues that you meant that you have ? Like correcting others on typos ? Yes , I can see how that is soooooooooo important. How will I sleep tonight knowing that I incorrectly typed your user name ? Oh my , I am having palpitations at the thought of possibly having inserted too many commas or what if I haven't put in enough ? Too much to bear. Get over yourself Fee. If I make a mistake , big deal. I am not the first and I won't be the last. Live with it - as you would say.

SInce you insist on being so pedantic , you may not have said what people CAN post on here but you certainly did say what people could NOT post on here - or more specifically mnko. You said that this is not the right place to post it but you seem to gladly answer silly threads. Well sorry if tonight hasn''t been happy hour at the AB pub for you but that's the way it goes sometimes. I note that you are saying sweet dreams and can only assume that it is you who is off to the land of nod because I intend to stick around here for a while. Not on this thread which is to say the least , incredibly tiresome. Talk about blowing things out of proportion ! I made a point which is done and dusted and wasn't even intended for you , so you are correct - end of. I do hope you have a pleasant sleep fee-is-mee.
this 80s site is superb.

enigma, here's a site for you.

4 times. Oh and you make mistakes too. I am female - not a man !!!
Funny Dot but I wouldn't want to steal your thunder. Besides I think that I have said more than enough on the matter so I will leave fee-is-me (One e at the end this time , okay fee ?) to argue away until her heart's content. It will fall on deaf ears. Now what's that saying about starting a fight in an empty house again .................? I have no personal gripe with you and have no intention in making this a personal issue - something which appears to be lost on Fee-is-me. On some occasions , I agree with you , on others I do not. On this occasion I do not - end of. This is my last post on the matter. Apologies to you Carrust for hijacking your thread x
how come dot can make a snide comment, but someone not in the *gang* can't? dot can call a spade a spade, but someone not in the *gang* can't. Don't post in the wrong category or pour your heart out in B+S., but you are allowed to ask what u can do as u are drunk and make a lot of errors and also ask what u can do because u have broken your toes! Strange, a rule for one or two, but not for anyone else. Then u say 'I don't know what u mean', and yet others are supposed to understand and appreciate when you are tongue in cheek and having a larf! but not allowed outside of the *gang* to use tongue in cheek, or have a larf. Again rules for some but not for all. Allowed to have your say, but others cannot have theirs, not very fair is it?
pie and mash, if i was drunk i would be dead i am on c0-dydramol, i resent your suggestion that i am intoxicated i am not and would be stupid to be with those tablets. go insult someone else you are a out of order saying it and that is what is not fair.

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