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Most POSITIVE things about the UK today?

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Carakeel | 14:08 Sat 30th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
156 Answers
To set the balance - what do you love most about the UK and what are this country's best features?


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Hey, come on you lot, no-ones mentioned the GREAT Lonnie Donegan, the father of British pop, without whom, there would have been no Beatles, Rolling Stones, the Drifters, later to become the Shadows, and lots more British artists of the sixties. And, he conquered America, which Cliff never did.
Lonnie Donegan, Hell yes!!! fantastic!!!!!
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Charles Darwin we were born in the same town good old Shrewsbury!!!!!!

Even Wilfred Owen lived there before he went to war, and a lot of the famous dudes we see on the TV like Rik Mayle Michael Palin, John Peel, Christopher Timothy went to school there at the famous Shrewsbury School. Tony Blairs Dad lives there. T'pau were formed there to name but a few.

Shropshire, Powys - the Cambrian Mountains which I can see part of outside my kitchen window, Powys Castle which I can see from my back garden,

Cornwall - Looe and Polperro my most favourite places to go on holiday.

My accent, Local dialects.

Tottenham Hotspur, Shrewsbury Town FC
Thats more like it wardy!!!
Well at least its a useful skill wardy being able to make a wooden key rack whilst doing the 100 metres ;-)
Village idiots the lot of you. Silly *****!
Hey yigoh, that name isn't one to be bandied about lightly, I've had "Village Idiot" as a title for quite a while and I intend holdin' on to it- don't you be dishing it to all and sundry- ok? ;-)
BOO, why do you think its you title all of a sudden, I had it first!!
as a non brit and new to this site unless i misssed an answer what is best about the uk is its people , yes you some of you are nuts,some are serious but you realy are a great bunch of folk and i love youl
I hope you exclude Shropshire yigoh ! - I am from a small village in that county. You may include Essex though :)
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Nice one spurslady! I love Cornwall too and Devon and Wales. I haven't had a chance to see much of the north yet, but hopefully some day. I can't match what must be the beautiful view over Powys castle, but I do look out over a stunning bay and the open sea from my house. A great inspiration for painting.
Whats wrong with Shropshire whiffey?
Carekeel- i'm jealous, I've got the wonderful view of a main road and someone else's house- wanna swap???

ratter- I cant even have that title can i? LOL
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floridian, where from in Florida? I had some land in Palm Bay until a few years ago. Glad you like this lot, they are really good people! Well possibly with an exception here and there ... Welcome to AB, hope you stay and enjoy. Best wishes.
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BOO, you can always come for a visit ... no trade off though. I love it here! :o)
BOO you can have that title as long as you stay in your own village!!
thats real nice carakel thanks.for your information im from Stuart on the atlantic ocean a hundred miles thereabouts north from miami
I�m sorry B00 exclusivity is worth holding onto the others are just *****!
Sunday papers
Washing the car on a Sunday

spurslady, Shropshire is great, I just hoped that yigoh was not including Mordiford in his assessment.

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Most POSITIVE things about the UK today?

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