yes, i have a current prescription for these. horrible aint it? what happens to me is that i still think im awake and then someone comes in the room (even though im in the house alone). my bf has got into bed with me (even though he was 10 miles away), i kinda wake up, shake my head, but the second im back on my pillow the hallucination starts again. its got so that i can only take half at a time, and never when alone. also, i cant take them before i get into bed, or i start seeing what i describe as 'spare cats' all over the place. in other words, i will see a cat dart about in the corner of my eye, i turn, there is nothing there, but then a cat darts in the corner of my other eye, i spin round, nothing. and so forth. i have also, on more than one occasion suffered from what i can only describe as a fit, from taking them. laying on my side in bed, my uppermost leg and arm went into a juddering spasm. the doc told me she had never heard of that particular side effect before. go back, tell them they are making you worse as you are now scared to go to sleep - and get tomazipam. they probably wont give you many cos they are more addictive, but if its only to break a cycle this shouldnt be a problem.