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do we have a soul?

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spurslady | 13:54 Mon 20th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
133 Answers
If so where is it kept?



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Up to the age of 29 I thought it was all hogwash, then I studied the Bible in earnest - I am now 56 and I assure you it is true - no contradictions, no lies, no advertising, just the facts. Take heed of it Spurslady ... please.
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Sorry I was not meant to mock your beliefs and I feel bad for doing it.

My nan would disown me if she saw what i had written. I believe in God etc but in my own way, I don't like having jehovah's witnesses knocking on my door shoving it in my face and saying that it was gods way that my mum has cancer and she will be taken to a better place because she had been bad in a previous life. I'm not saying you are one of them but I only started this thread for a little light relief from the earlier post asking me why I posted unnecessary questions.
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But saying that I have another year and a bit till I reach 29 so you never know..............................
Jehovahs Witnesses like other cults, are based on the Bible AND something else, in their case, the writings of their founder, Russel. The Roman Catholics have the Bible AND tradition, the mormons have the Bible And the Book of Mormon ... so it goes on. Stick with the Bible as the sole authority to get to the Truth.
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What truth are we looking for?
You will never find God if you simply "browse" for Him. He reveals Himself through the scriptures to those who seek Him earnestly.
The Truth is that Jesus Christ died as a penalty for OUR sin, to satisfy Gods perfect justice. He took our sin upon Himself and gave us His righteousness. It's a free gift. All you have to do is accept it. Many don't.
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Help anyone.....
I was born into the Church of England, but I reject their politically correct teachings, and substituting social action for the gospel. All of these man made religions will take you to hell, as we are warned of in the Bible.
Just as Emily Davison died for her cause....

WOMEN RULE!! Burn your bras if you agree girls!!

............. tumbleweed............

Er... I'll get me coat.
Do we have a soul? Yes, an eternal soul. Where is it kept? With us. Our spirit lives on ... whatever we believe, for eternity.
...And the evidence for the resurrection is actually staggering. Maybe I should shift my lazy self one day and post some of it.
Type in Moriel and then click on web site of Jacob Prasch, and have a read / listen.
The coming war in the Middle East - all prophesied in the Bible. Incredible!
Theland -

God will not provide proof of his existence because proof denies faith, and without faith he is terribly convenient...

The bible is a book with a story - that is all.
I know this because archaeologists recently dug up an ancient piece of paper that has been carbon-dated and proven to be the first page of the original bible - it reads :-

"The Bible : A tale of love, honour and betrayal
by J. Christ.

All persons mentioned within are entirely ficticious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental"

And it is inscribed "To Candy, with all my love, Jeezy XXX".

So, there is your proof.

Such a shame that most wars are caused by religion.

Sorry to throw fire on your Holy waters, Theland :(
Carbon dating is not the exact science it is presented as. C'mon folks, how about a little serious research, after all, you've got a lot to lose if you get it wrong.
So many wars are caused by man made religions.
What like the six day war that's still going on since the mid-sixties?
And God made ones as well.

Didn't God approve and indeed help in Joshua's violent campaign in what is now Israel?

Someones totted up over 2 million people God's meant to have killed in the bible! 8/how-many-has-god-killed.html

Peace be upon you!

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