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Smoking Ban

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hugginsc | 12:18 Fri 08th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
59 Answers
The Smoking Ban comes into affect on July 1st 2007.

What are you thoughts on this?


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I'm a smoker & i think it's a great idea!
I also work part time in a bar so that will be so much better. I will def be giving up before July 1st!

##Wardy## are you serious!??
That's a disgusting thing to say. I watched my nan die of cancer a few years ago & wouldn't wish that on anyone.
My other nan is now dieing of cancer & she gave up smoking years ago, she definately doesn't deserve to suffer like she is just because she smoked. Yes, i agree it's stupid but you went to far there
Warpig they say it is a good idea but there is no mention they are giving up.

It is like saying speed cameras are great but when there aren't any I am going to drive at 150 mph.

If only one person somewhere in the world hears or sees my words and stops smoking I will be pleased.

They are cancer on legs with foul brownish gloopy goo flowing through their heart and lungs. They stink.
fay, where exactly have I "wished" it on anybody? Please tell as I must have missed it.
i said that 'I' wouldn't wish it on anyone!
Not that you had said that. I was trying to say that it wasn't a nice thing that you said.
Well, like i said i watched one of my nans die of cancer & now i am seeing my other nan suffering so what you said upset me, understandably it doesn't take much to set me off at the mo!
I said that 'I' wouldn't wish it on anyone!
not that you had said that. I was just trying to make the point that what you said wasn't nice.

Like i said, i already saw one nan die of cancer & now i am watching my other nan suffer, what you said upset me & understandably it doesn't take much to set me off at the mo!
sorry! didn't mean to post twice!
Actually wardy, my dad was one of those cancer-ridden individuals you mentioned, he died of multiple cancers after 50 years of smoking roll-ups. Fortunately though he was willing and able to love and respect others, and it is partly him who made me the person I am today. Often people who are bitter about their own unloved upbringing have your attitude, but I bet you are a mummy�s boy really.
fay you have already lost one grandmother to cancer and the other is dying. I am not a doctor but I assume her past smoking is a contributory cause YET you still smoke!!!!!

You are upset by words but not by this foul disease which YOU WILL GET if you continue to smoke. Oh it's OK "I will give up before July 1st"

Give up the fags now out of respect to your nan NOW.

Give up or shut up.
Wardy, I am not saying you are wrong, what I was trying to say was that all the smokers who have posted on here are in agreement with it. I have no wish, as a smoker, to injure any other person via my smoking, and as Faye has said 'it is a great idea'. If we don't choose to give up then that is our problem, not yours, and we will have to deal with the consequences.
Actually Wardy i never said that i wasn't upset by this foul disease!
Ok, my point is that these 'cancer ridden individuals' you talk about are still lovely people who do not deserve to suffer, i think you went a bit over the top.
You do not know anything about me or my life, maybe i will get cancer & it will be my own stupid fault yes but i had given up in the past & due to depression/ stress etc... i started again. However i have now cut down in the past few weeks from 20 a day to 5 a day! So yes, i am trying! But you being rude about people just because they smoke doesn't help anybody!
It is not a great idea!!!!!!!

[edit by ABED]
Fay forgive me yet again but have I said they "deserve to suffer"?

You are misquoting me yet again.

But...............whilst they may not deserve to suffer as such I have absolutely no sympathy with smokers who suffer. If that makes me a bad man then so be it.

How weak can a person be if they let a 3 inch white stick beat them in to an early grave? I say weaker than Weak Jock McWeak from Weakshire.

Smoking is wrong. Smokers die of cancer and smoking stinks. If somebody smokes they are weak, stinky people.
ffs wardy!!!!
Ok, yes, it's brilliant commen sense!!! happier now??

Just because i dont word my thoughts exactly how you like doesn't mean you have to be rude!

I think your being unfair by calling all smokers sad, cancer ridden individuals. that's the only point i really wanted to make.

Fay, was going to comment but cant be @rsed, Wardy has his opinions on lots of things, and sometimes you are just wasting energy trying to reason with him.
Where exactly have I been rude????

I think you need to actually read what I have written.

And yes ANYBODY who smokes is in my highly educated opinion is a sad individual.


And no you can not have my email addy. I have never been out with a smoker and never will. Sorry love, you could look like Baroness Thatcher in a basque and I still wouldn't be interested.
How exactly 'highly educated' are you Wardy? 'O' level in woodwork?
thanks warpig1, was begining to think the same, i can't be @rsed anymore either.

Although, i'd love to know what he means by the email addy, as if i'd want that. I think he might have lost the plot. Or he's trying to wind me up.

Well, as i said hugginsc, i think it's a great idea!!!
Nice attitude.

Remember to take a packet of your cheap fags to your grandmothers funeral. Great respect.

We are both agreed on that then Fay! Even as smokers!!!!
If I may have a word in the middle of your row guys!!! I'm a smoker living in Ireland and I have to say I think the ban is good idea in theory. The off shoot is meeting different people from the bar outside - people you wouldn't normally speak to. A new phrase born from the ban here is "Smirting" - smoking and flirting. I really miss my smoke with my drink and after dinner and for that reason tend not to go out as much. From speaking to local publicans I've been told that it has very much affected sales in their pubs. Another thing I've noticed is that people who had given up smoking before the ban are back smoking again. Finally - in a pub where men are drinking pints of Guinness after a hard days work - the smell of farts (and sometimes BO) is far worse than smoke!!! All in all though its a great idea and just something you have to live with.

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