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fly in the eye

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devil monkey | 19:20 Fri 15th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
what happens to a fly after it flies in your eye


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Yes, why can't they look where they are going ! You cycle along not a care in the world, then wallop ! fly-strike. Then one in the throat. So you stop and choke and gag and retch. You rub your eyes and curse. They maybe get dissolved by your lachrymal tears. And there are loads more of the critters hovering with malice next day.

Hope this helps lol :)
it does the breast stroke for a couple of minutes, gets out wipes its little body and legs wit a little towel then sits on a warm seat watching all the other little flies in the pool !
the fly dies . Sad but true! :-(
it cant be true !!!
ive seen them round the edge of the eye on their loungers !!!!!
-- answer removed --
death by blink

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fly in the eye

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