my girlfriends mate has been with the same partner for 5 years now and hasn't strayed ever. now she's got chlamydia and he says "she's given it to him " as "it can lay dormant in the body for years and just flare up whenever" Now i'm no medical expert but to me i think he's (for want of another word} ************ as she suffers with thrush so has had constant tests.she had a test at xmas which was clear and then another one a couple of weeks ago which diagnosed chlamydia. But i've been wrong before so does anyone know if its true that it can lay dormant undetected for years and then suddenly show itself !!!
But that's not laying dormant. That's not showing any symptoms. If she has been tested before and it came up negative then she caught it since that test.
sounds like joko is right. Normally it would be hard to prove either way but if she's been tested for it and come up negative, doesn't sound like she's the one who had it.
if you have unprotected sex just once with an infected partner there is a 50% chance of contracting the disease yourself. So its pretty unexplainable if they have had lots of unprotected sex, cant be entirely impossible though I spose.
It can lay dormant in your system or may just not show any of the symptoms of chlamydia but theres a pretty good chance someone was fooling around if you ask me.