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Time and Effort

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fruitloops | 05:27 Sun 25th Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
Just a general question, I know everyone's body is different but, in your opinion.............

I've just started an exercise regime and new healthy way of eating, cut out all junk food etc. I'm mid 20s, 11st in weight (154 pounds) and 5'4" in height. My goal weight is 9st (126 pounds) and I want to tone up. If I stick to this plan, how quickly will I see results and how quickly will I get to my goal? And any other advice? Thanks.


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You haven't specified what your plan is. Generally speaking you should notice results right away if you are participating in some strenuous exercise as your energy levels will get a boost right away. At your height/weight you should not be aiming to lose anymore than 2lbs per week so if you set that as your target then it will take about 14 weeks. DONT be tempted to crash diet as you may get stretch marks and are much more likely to put the weight back on. Slow and steady is the way to go. You may find it harder to lose weight towards the end and the best way to combat that is to up your exercise. Good luck!
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Thanks for your reply alijangra!
I'm aiming for a low carb/low cal diet but healthy. Maybe similar to a low GI diet. As for exercise, I was planning on some work on a Lateral Thigh Trimmer, some TaeBo' and some other exercises like crunches, press ups, squats and small weights for arms. What do you think?
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Im not entirely sure what a lateral thigh trimmer is, the other stuff sounds great but you need to be getting your heart rate up to be burning fat and improving your cardiovascular health. Alot depends on your current fitness levels, but you are not very overweight so you should manage some high impact stuff providing you dont have any other health problems. Walking may be a great way for generally improving your health, but will not give results very quickly. I use a concept2 rower, folk are probably sick of me going on about it but it really is a seriously good piece of kit. A bit costly but well worth the investment.
I have also come across some great breakfast Granola in Tesco by The Good Food Doctor, it is really tasty and filling keeps you going right through until lunch, and trust me I used to snack alot before! It is more concerned with glycaemic load than glycaemic index but the principle seems the same, a steady release of energy rather than causing peaks and troughs in your blood sugar that will cause hunger pangs and food cravings.
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Thanks for all the advice and the links. I'll check them out now. And I'll check out that breakfast granola next time I go shopping too.
A lateral thigh trimmer is like a step machine but it moves side to side as well as up and down so you get a harder workout. It certainly works the muscles in the legs, but I need to use it more regularly than I have been to really see if it produces results.
Im taliking rubbish!! The Granola is by The Good Carb Food Company!! Sorry lol.

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