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Rubyrose | 23:15 Mon 14th May 2007 | Body & Soul
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Its all over as you said.

Good night everybody.

Sleep tight and may you all dream of Wardy in his Y fronts.

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Legend... I think I speak on behalf of all of AB when I say...Ahem... What the F*ck are you on about?



Three words that normaly never are found in the same sentence btw.
jeez can you get taxed on being a virgin???
Unless 'ummmm' is in that sentence

Night Wardy xxxxx
Question Author
Right... if Wardy is off.. then so am I... no point hanging around these here parts if my lovelyness has departed!

Night all!
well thats just great
ya wee bint.

Question Author
Sorry Ledge... night
you will be girl.

so fickle ya wee moody bint .
Ledg....msn has crashed
not in scottyland
and durttyy dave is back on now lol
ho ruuuuuuuuuuuubbbbbbyyyyyyyyyy
get your f@nny back on CS
the guys miss u

not me btw
I seen your pic

you need to lose a few kilos ruuuuuuuuuubbbbbbbbyyyyyy

hahahahaha nite
u seen rubys tesicles
with the fat on her fan she could make a pare
nitestalker and bogeyman, I can see from your few posts you are indeed gentlemen of calibre.

If you have to insult somebody, then make sure you do it well. Saying somebody has a fat fanny is neither funny nor derisive.

However, when your wee stained Grandmother wept like a three year old when your slightly pervy grandad died, that is mildly amusing.

Sorry am I suppose to LMFAO. I hope not.

PS, I bet you a thousand pounds (that is 10x one hundred) that when, or if, you are driving you are one of those that get jealous of other peoples good fortune. If your parent (note the lack of plural) wasn't such a lower class sleepeasy, perhaps you could have done better. Just a thought.
Wasn't going to join this but rubyrose, you cannot say that you speak for all AB . Your comment at 00.57 this a.m.
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Sorry.. Doc Spock... I shouldn't have expressed opinion on behalf of the whole of AB!
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Oh and Wardy... did I ever tell you that I love you? Lol
rather too often I think, certainly bordering on the yuk factor.
well we have got used to it now Doc, and tale bags of no notice lol : ))

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