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Rubyrose | 23:15 Mon 14th May 2007 | Body & Soul
256 Answers
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KFC????? It could probably catch a colonel snack in its bloody nest. And as for chocolate, well it has a browny hue.
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Ewww I just read the Jizz thing! Nice! Now I do feel sick! Lol

Max... thats true... put ur face to something and it looks massive!
Those words speak for themselves. No comment. ;O)
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Ohhhh.. thats done it now! I am boycotting KFC....

Ooh speaking of that.. I was eating a bag of salad for dinner today... (not just a bag of salad but with my dinner) and I emptied the salal bag into a bowl and placed it on the table to everyone to help themselves and a half way through eating it.. and frickin' stink bug crawled out of the bowl!!!!!!!! Ewwww!
What in God's country is a "stink bug"?

a catepilla, I assume. But with you Rubes, I never know.
A catepilla?

A you having a poblem with you "R"s?
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Its one of those hard shelled things and if you step on them or kill them they give off a gross smell!.....

Wait...... here... - ctsheets/Stinkbug(web).JPG
Neve .
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Neve Campbell?
Looks like a bloody Grasshopper to me.

Gah! Thanks Rubes, put me off my snails!
theres only 1 legend
the legend1751 was a hoax mofo.
im the real deal lol
You would hate it where I live Rubes. There are more creepy crawlies and spiders than in the bloody amazon.

And then the strange wildlife mating calls from every British mammal you can imagine at all hours.

You should see my pool filter in the summer. Seriously it is like the scene from Indiana Jones where the bird has to put her hand through the hole in the cave to push a lever.
oi max wheres paddy??
Har har har.
fs max is a bleedin pirate
shiver me timberss
rubes u hidin???
from little old me??
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Oh Wardy thats the worst bit of the film! I hate it! I don't want to talk about this anymore... You have put the willies up me!
wardy did what to u ruby?????
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Put the willies up me! Duh.. keep up!

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