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Rubyrose | 23:15 Mon 14th May 2007 | Body & Soul
256 Answers
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Chutney Ferret.... and thus starteth the Pickle jokes!
Christ I am being propositioned by a man named Bri now!!

Does my charm hold no barriers?

No, love, my name is Bubba, and I want YOU!!!!
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Clearly not Wardy.... I can smell your cyber pheramones from here... (there is a ferret moans, joke in there somewhere) Lol
Im shy but i guess you could show me a thing or too and i would of stuck up you when them nasty boys *** after u
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You would have STUCK UP HIM? Oooer! Chutney ferret indeed! Lol
Whilst I hold no prejudice to male bum fun, I am sorry to dissapoint, but I am hetrosexual.

I cant be taking this sh!te all night im off back to my other name.
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Who the hell is Bri Friedman? Lol

Wardy do you object to female bum fun?
ewwwwwwwwwww...That could make even ME gag!

But well..depends..just how fit are you? And do you still live at your mum's?
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Who you talking to Max?
I'm talking to Bri-person!
I have no objections my dear rubes, if she is willing.
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Oh she is willing! ;o)
Now..Is it too late to open a third bottle of wine?
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Yes... you should be on your 5th by now! Tut tut... slow coach!
Rubes, I am shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you being so young and innocent as well!!

I suppose you swallow as well?

(PS not bad 136 posts for it to deteriate to smut)
Sorry..I've tried taking lessons from Ummmm, but she keeps stealing the corkscrew!!!!
Smut? SMUT???
I'm gonna sit on my single bed with my hand on my ears.
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Don't be shocked Wardy... I love a bit of bum fun... and not so young... 22 now you know... worrying that I have been on here chatting to you since I was 20! Lol...awww...

Swallowings a different matter.... depends on whose it is... but... I can't say its something I have done much of... if at all!

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