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Rubyrose | 23:15 Mon 14th May 2007 | Body & Soul
256 Answers
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i was being sarcastic


you keep up lmfao
Question Author
Duh... so was I! Kn0bjockey!
im just lookin over my shoulder.

guess what i seee???????

you tryin to keep up with me lol
Surely the worse bit is where Indie has a few tarantulas on his back and then his sherpa has dozens. I think it was Raiders of the Lost Ark.
is that a sherpa van?my dad had one of those
Question Author
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Wardy...... don't don't don't.... I will leave my own thread!!!!! I am petrified... honest... I will have nightmares.....
i hope youre not trying to nobjockey me as you come up from behind me ruby???

whats that thing strapped onto you ???
Question Author
Now Legend is after some bum fun too!
This will take you mind off it my lovely Rubes. dpony.jpg

The hairstyle reminds me of you in the morning.......(I imagine)
not arta ll.

its that wee durty girl roseyruby

i spied her comin up from behind me waving her bits at me lol
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Wardy if I click on that link and it shows me even the slightest bit of spider... I swear on my Rubyrose name... I will never forgive you!
It doesn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question Author
Ok.... I believed you enough... and trusted you ... and I checked it... and it's ok...phew! :o)
And... I am not too happy about being compared to a horse! Lol
Did you get my email?
Yes, Ruby is an alien form, she can literally roll her bits at you!
I've suggested Las Vegas already but she doesn't want to leave her donjon.
Ok, the dvd might not be great quality, but it's just because joe kept skipping the media studies classes in college and had to ask bubba the fat boy for help. Keep the tapes, they'll be collectors' items one day!
is that the one of you shavin rubes p+bes lol???
Question Author
This is definately the most Random thread I have had the pleasure of causing! Lol
Just replied rubes my lovely.

I think I had the 1am gremlins come early on my computer.
im bad im bad im not michael jackson

but im baddddddddd
You are all mad....!! :-)

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